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October 5, 2024: Newton Pinnacle, Mt. Hood Meadows, & Sahalie Falls (Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon)
wet, steaming plants
broad-leaf lupine, gone to seed
frost on strawberry leaves
Douglas' aster
rabbit-tobacco (?)
one-sided wintergreen, going to seed
pearly everlasting flowers
glaucous penstemon, gone to seed
spreading stonecrop, gone to seed
shrubby penstemon, gone to seed
Newton Pinnacle
common juniper berries
cliff penstemon, gone to seed
polypody fern
vertical wall
Picnic Rock & Mount Hood
Hood River Meadow
hybrid penstemon leaves
pixie cup lichen
Haussknecht's buckwheat, gone to seed
scramble route
beargrass, gone to seed
Oregon stonecrop, gone to seed
Cascade aster
small-flowered alumroot, gone to seed
fungus on a fallen log
pine-mat manzanita berries
Picnic Rock
Greene's rabbitbrush, gone to seed
creamy stonecrop, gone to seed
Rocky Mountain spike-moss
Newton Pinnacle
Clark Creek & Lamberson Butte
Picnic Rock & Newton Pinnacle
goldenrod, gone to seed
groundsmoke (which?)
Mount Hood & fall colors
bog orchid, gone to seed
hairy arnica
Mount Hood
scarlet paintbrush
fireweed, gone to seed
Umbrella Falls
arrow-leaf groundsel, gone to seed
green corn lily, gone to seed
bracted lousewort, gone to seed
pearly everlasting
fall huckleberry leaves
pipsissewa, gone to seed
Sahalie Falls
stream-bank arnica
Sahalie Falls
woolly chanterelle mushroom
rattlesnake plantain orchid
Sahalie Falls
Mount Hood & Hood River Meadow
bog blueberry/
Sahalie Falls
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.