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« 2024-09 Shasta-Trinity
September 3, 2024: Mount Eddy & Deadfall Lakes (Shasta-Trinity National Forest, California)
Nuttall's cinquefoil
musk monkeyflower
California corn lily, going to seed
Coville's Cascade aster
yarrow with few flowers & huge petals
Copeland's owl-clover, gone to seed
squirrel-tail grass
Nuttall's cinquefoil
scarlet gilia
rough hedge-nettle
sagebrush flowers
sagebrush slope
showy rabbitbrush
Hansen's long-stalk clover
Oregon checker-mallow
spring-bank clover
California pitcher plant
white rush-lily
lily seed pods
one-flower fringed gentian
changeable phacelia
double honeysuckle berry
Brewer's cinquefoil, gone to seed
Big Deadfall Lake
shrubby cinquefoil
Copeland's owl-clover
California bog asphodel, going to seed
Bigelow's sneezeweed
autumn dwarf gentian
California pitcher plants
Newberry's gentian
swamp onion, going to seed
marsh grass-of-Parnassus
marsh grass-of-Parnassus, going to seed
blue flax, gone to seed
explorer's gentian
Double Deadfall Lake & Mount Eddy
dark chorus frog with a tail
naked-stem hawksbeard
pale coyote mint, fading
Upper Deadfall Lake & Mount Eddy
subalpine spirea
pink mountain heather, going to seed
Parish's yampah
tundra asters
woolly angelica & yellow-jacket wasps
Newberry's gentian
explorer's gentian with 6 petals
Upper Deadfall Lake & Mount Eddy
swamp onions
autumn dwarf gentians
linear-leaf primrose monkeyflower
California pitcher plants, going to seed
Oregon sunshine
showy goldenrod
cobwebby paintbrush
Siskiyou willow-herb
Siskiyou balloon-pod milk-vetch pods
Siskiyou buckwheat
bare-stem buckwheat
Upper Deadfall Lake & Peak 8727
Drummond's anemone, gone to seed
Crater Lake cryptantha
Nuttall's sandwort
wavy-leaf paintbrush with non-wavy leaves
alpine shooting-star, going to seed
explorer's gentian
Gray's catchfly, fading
Austin's sticky cinquefoil (?)
buckwheat (which?)
Trinity buckwheat
Siskiyou willow-herb, gone to seed
pincushion penstemon, gone to seed
Castle Crags
dwarf alpine-gold
western bladder-pod, gone to seed
Gordon's ivesia, gone to seed
Mount Shasta & the top of Mount Eddy
Mount Shasta & Black Butte
basin north of Mount Eddy
view to the northwest
Mt. Eddy Jacob's-ladder, gone to seed
cut-leaf fleabane, gone to seed
Mt. Lassen draba, gone to seed
crested cinquefoil, gone to seed
buckwheat with deep red flowers (which?)
talus above Deadfall Lakes
northern goldenrod
Klamath rock daisy
rough harebells
Mt. Eddy buckwheat
Lemmon's holly fern (Shasta fern)
The Eddys (Kierstead's) stonecrop, gone to seed
serpentine rock-cress
arrow-leaf groundsel, going to seed
Gray's lovage fruits
Greene's rabbitbrush
western false asphodel, going to seed
woolly angelica, going to seed
September slope
western snakeroot
Mt. Eddy lupine
Klamath coneflower
Trinity Alps at sunset
Mount Eddy at sunset
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.