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September 19, 2024: Columbia River below Bonneville Dam (Oregon & Washington)
Chinook Landing Marine Park (Multnomah County, OR)
common sneeze-weed
wild mint
swamp smartweed (?)
Douglas' aster
bright green moss
western goldentop/
goldenrod, going to seed
common cocklebur
Columbia coreposis
horseweed (Canadian fleabane)
blond mallard duck
willow flea beetles
red-osier dogwood
evening-primrose (which?)
Tanner Creek Recreation Area (Multnomah County, OR)
Columbia coreposis
common sneeze-weed
Columbia River Gorge
Columbia River sagewort
California gulls
Chinook salmon
gathering of Chinook salmon
Douglas' aster
water ouzel (American dipper)
Ice House Lake (Skamania County, WA)
nodding beggar's-ticks
American speedwell
pale smartweed (?)
common jewelweed
water-pepper smartweed
wild forget-me-not
Hamilton Island (Skamania County, WA)
American licorice fruits
tule bluet damselfly
Beacon Rock
Hamilton Mountain
blunt-leaf yellow-cress, going to seed
autumn willow-herb (tall annual willow-herb), gone to seed
Columbia gumweed
wild tarragon
Columbia River sagewort
mossy rose gall
Canada geese
Douglas' aster
spotted spurge
fall wildflowers
Columbia coreposis & pennyroyal
western goldentop/
common sneeze-weed
swamp smartweed (?)
Allegheny monkeyflower
clammy hedge-hyssop
western water-milfoil
Creeping Jenny (moneywort) leaves
white water buttercup
Canadian water-weed
Munra Point & gray burned slopes
Ives Island
Skamania Landing (Skamania County, WA)
hazel nuts
red-flowered currant berries
wapato fruits
ocean-spray, gone to seed
leafy beggar's-ticks
very pink willow-herb
woolly bulrush (wool-grass)
empty camas seed pods
American black nightshade
cross orb-weaver spider
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.