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August 19, 2024: Chair Peak (Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Washington)
The "crux" of the non-technical route up Chair Peak is a
traverse across a crumbling rock wall
life-threatening exposure
below it. I chickened out and didn't reach the summit.
Sitka mountain-ash berries
Cooley's hedge-nettle
stream-bank arnica
Bryant Peak & Chair Peak
red elderberries
turtle-head penstemon
Cascade asters
Hemlock Peak, Bryant Peak, & Chair Peak
spreading dogbane
rusty saxifrage, going to seed
Snow Lake
subalpine spirea
Cascade huckleberry/
Chair Peak
tall mountain shooting-stars, going to seed
Gray's lovage
Cascades frog
Snoqualmie Mountain & Snow Lake Divide
dwarf bramble flower & berries
Chair Peak & Thumbtack Basin
Thumbtack Rock
alpine lady fern
bird's-beak lousewort, going to seed
talus basin below Chair Peak's summit ridge
rusty saxifrage & Tolmie's saxifrage
view to the northeast
small-flowered alumroot
forked wormwood (three-forked mugwort) leaves
Mertens' rush
short-fruited smelowskia
rappel route
subalpine fleabane
alpine speedwell
talus below Chair Peak's summit
Sitka mist-maidens leaves
view from the rappel route
rappel route from below
Cascade parsley fern
view to the northeast
alpine mountain-sorrel, going to seed
fell fields
pink mountain heather
Snoqualmie Mountain & Snow Lake Divide
Denny Mountain, The Tooth, & Bryant Peak
Chair Peak & Snow Lake
basin below Chair Peak
Chair Peak & Kaleetan Peak
dwarf blueberry/
mountain goat fur
Easy Gully
crux traverse & summit gully
Menzies' penstemon leaves
Melakwa Lake & Upper Melakwa Lake
Peak 5700
spreading phlox, gone to seed
traverse on the west side of Chair Peak
Sitka club-moss
white mountain heather
the summit
black huckleberries
bleeding-hearts, going to seed
edible thistle
Guye Peak
dry rocky cascade
viny columbine
feathery false Solomon's-seal berries
Lewis' monkeyflower
Sitka burnet
western false asphodel, going to seed
pika's haystack/
Source Lake
scarlet paintbrush
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.