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August 26, 2024: Bear Creek Mountain (Goat Rocks Wilderness, Washington)
view to the north
snow at the bottom of a deep crack
Section 3 Lake
hooded ladies'-tresses
green corn lily, going to seed
cow parsnip, going to seed
Gray's lovage, going to seed
yellow monkeyflower
Suksdorf's paintbrush
Bear Creek Mountain
white marsh-marigolds, gone to seed
woolly pussy-toes, gone to seed
explorer's gentian
alpine buckwheat
fan-leaf cinquefoil
magenta paintbrush
Bear Creek Mountain's north ridge
sickle-top lousewort
tundra asters
view to the north
yellow mountain heather, going to seed
Tolmie's saxifrage, going to seed
slender mountain arnica
California Jacob's-ladder
pale agoseris
small-flowered penstemon, fading
slender mountain sandwort
Mount Rainier
Mount Adams & Gilbert Peak
Goat Rocks panorama
Tieton Peak
Thompson's paintbrush, fading
spreading phlox
Milbert's tortoiseshell butterfly on Cascade aster
Cascade asters
ridge southwest of Bear Creek Mountain
silky phacelia, going to seed
little-leaf pussy-toes, gone to seed
spear-fruited draba, gone to seed
spotted saxifrage leaves
alpine sandwort
Cascade rock-cress fruits (siliques)
alpine mountain-sorrel
subalpine fleabane
broad-leaf arnica
hairy arnica
arctic buttercup, going to seed
tufted saxifrage
spreading stonecrop
rockslide larkspur
rockslide larkspur
yellow coral-bells (fuzzy elmera)
long-leaf arnica
talus willow-herb, going to seed
Devil's Horns
Peak 7090 & Devil's Horns
Cascade desert parsley, going to seed
western groundsel, going to seed
silver-back luina
cliff penstemon, gone to seed
Henderson's phlox, going to seed
cut-leaf anemone, gone to seed
cut-leaf fleabane
Bear Creek Mountain
dwarf mountain groundsel/
broad-leaf fireweed seed pods
Lemmon's rock-cress, gone to seed
scarlet paintbrush & silver-back luina
hilltopping ants
Gilbert Peak, Tieton Peak, & Devil's Horns
rough harebells
Chilcotin grasshopper (?)
Lyall's goldenweed
talus collomia, gone to seed
cushion buckwheat
northern daisy/
brittle bladder fern
Davidson's penstemon, gone to seed
north ridge of Bear Creek Mountain
Lyall's goldenweed
folded & broken rock
northern daisy/
wild dandelion leaves (?)
hairy arnica
Oregon sunshine
subalpine fleabane & broad-leaf arnica
lupine (which?)
cliffs & rocks
broad-leaf lupine
Hitchcock's wood-rush
glacier lily, gone to seed
rainiera, going to seed
alpine meadow butterweed (Buek's groundsel)
explorer's gentian
bolete mushroom
jagged ridge above Section 3 Lake
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.