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July 3, 2024: Castle Rock & Tidbits Mountain (Willamette National Forest, Oregon)
Castle Rock
wild strawberry
inside-out flower, budding
little pipsissewa
pathfinder (trail plant)
California spikenard, budding
Bolander's ragwort
phantom orchid
Scouler's harebell
wood-rush (which?)
vanilla-leaf, going to seed
yellowish cuckoo bumblebee on fringe-bract thistle
diamond clarkia
prairie June-grass
Lindley's clarkia (farewell-to-spring)
slender tarweed
ocean-spray (cream-bush)
turtle-head penstemon
hot rock penstemon
view toward Tidbits Mountain
Cascade penstemon, going to seed
spreading dogbane
Holiday Farm Fire damage
fork-tooth ookow
grassy slope
checkerspot butterfly on yarrow
heart-leaf buckwheat
western yellow wood sorrel
leafless wintergreen
coastal boykinia
Tidbits Mountain
woodland phlox
northwestern twayblade
yellow western coral-root orchid
broad-leaf arnica
western starflower
yellow-leaf iris
broad-leaf stonecrop
Pacific rhododendron, budding
unripe black huckleberry
rosy twisted-stalk
evergreen violet
explorer's gentian leaves
cliff paintbrush
Cascade fleabane
chickweed monkeyflower
spreading phlox
bee fly on Columbia windflower
alpine penny-cress
feathery false Solomon's-seal
Lyall's anemones
Sitka mist-maidens
rock pinnacle disguised by a tree
glacier lilies
Brewer's mitrewort
wildflowers on a rocky ridge
sulphur-flower buckwheat, Oregon sunshine, & Three Sisters
Douglas' catchfly
leafy fleabane
subalpine mariposa lilies and one-spike oat-grass
bell catchfly
cliff penstemon
Cascade fleabane & cliff penstemon
east (true) summit of Tidbits Mountain
spotted saxifrage
Cascade fleabane & little-leaf pussy-toes
little-leaf montia
MacCulloch's forester moth (and a beetle) on a mariposa lily
small-flowered penstemon
harsh paintbrush
wildflowers & Tidbits Wall
subalpine mariposa lilies
drying moss & wildflowers
Tidbits Wall
both summits of Tidbits Mountain
Gorman's aster leaves
Olympic onion
Menzies' larkspur
large-flowered blue-eyed-mary
east summit
red elderberry flowers
western trillium
old-growth trees
spotted coral-root orchid
Cardwell's penstemon & broad-leaf stonecrop
varied-leaf collomia
creamy stonecrop
cherry millipede
Forest Roads 1509 & 2022
bell catchfly
spreading stonecrop
white Cardwell's penstemon
Cardwell's penstemon & paintbrush
yellow harsh paintbrush
Oregon sunshine & blue-head gilia
heart-leaf buckwheat, Oregon sunshine, & blue-head gilia
blue-head gilia, wallflower, & Oregon sunshine
leafless wintergreen & bunchberries
Washington lily
big deer-vetch
Peak 4402
lupine (which?)
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.