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« 2024-07 Wenatchee Mountains
July 10, 2024: Esmeralda Basin & Small Fortune Peak (Wenatchee Mountains, Washington)
The first few photos are from the evening of July 9 at my campsite on the North Fork Teanaway River.
stream-bank arnica
rocks & water
scarlet paintbrush
streambank groundsel/
fringed grass-of-parnassus, budding
white spirea
black twin-berries
woolly galls on a snowberry leaf
Engelmann's aster (?)
sharp-tooth angelica
leafy-bract aster
clear water
silver-crown luina, going to seed
turtle-head penstemon
Cascade penstemon
Rocky Mountain groundsel
northern goldenrod
wormwood (which?)
arrow-leaf groundsel
Gray's lovage
scarlet gilia
Wenatchee thistle
Parry's arnica
cliff penstemon
monkeyflower (which?)
Parry's catchfly
bead lilies
pink paintbrush
Esmeralda Peaks (West)
elephant's-head lousewort
western false asphodel
white bog orchids
running crab spider on a white bog orchid
broad-leaf arnica
tooth-leaf pyrola
western sweet-cicely, going to seed
intermountain bedstraw
Esmeralda Peaks (East)
heart-leaf buckwheat
Kittitas sulphur-flower buckwheat
Columbia lewisia
white hawkweed
orange agoseris
slender bog orchid
twin arnica (?)
trail through wildflowers
glaucous willow-herb
lupine (which?)
fan-leaf cinquefoil
tall mountain shooting-star
western bistort
bracted lousewort
shrubby cinquefoil
trapper's tea
cliffs & talus
Peak 6640
Lemmon's holly fern (Shasta fern)
talus willow-herb
yellow Wenatchee paintbrush
Davis' knotweed
green corn lily
western columbine
lupine (which?)
Small Fortune Peak
snow dwarf-primrose
Mount Daniel
Small Fortune Peak & Fortune Peak
wildflowers & Scatter Peaks
wildflowers & Mt. Daniel
Cusick's speedwell
partridgefoot, budding
glacier lily, fading
pale agoseris
view to the south
pinkish yarrow
western groundsel
Hawkins Mountain
Brandegee's desert parsley
Fortune Creek Valley & Mount Daniel
snow dwarf-primrose
mystery parsley, going to seed
Wenatchee spring-beauty
Scatter Peaks, Harding Mountain, & Van Epps Peak
Wenatchee bluegrass
alpine buckwheat
Wenatchee desert parsley
lupine (which?)
Drummond's anemone
Tweedy's ivesia
cut-leaf fleabane
alpine mountain-sorrel
north face of Small Fortune Peak
alpine penny-cress
Wenatchee spring-beauty
Nuttall's sandwort
Olympic onion & Nuttall's sandwort
dwarf Oregon sunshine
yellow-and-red Wenatchee paintbrush
big bluegrass
small-flowered willow-herb
tufted saxifrage, fading
Small Fortune's rusty stripe & true summit
Davidson's penstemon
spear-fruited draba
Thompson's pincushion
Indian's-dream fern
round-leaf alumroot
South Ingalls Peak & Fortune Peak
Teanaway Mountain & Esmeralda Peaks
spotted saxifrage
curved-leaf stonecrop, budding
spreading phlox
Rocky Mountain groundsel
Cascade catchfly
slender mountain sandwort
narrow false-oat
alpine sandwort
potato-chip sedge
golden fleabane
yellow coral-bells (fuzzy elmera)
Columbia lewisia
Van Epps Peak & Lake Ann
Brandegee's desert parsley
another mystery parsley, going to seed
yellow Wenatchee paintbrush & lupine
white & pink mountain heather
yellow mountain heather
Small Fortune Peak
subalpine fleabane
Teanaway Mountain & Esmeralda Peaks
white rhododendron (Cascade azalea)
bog orchids & other wildflowers
sickle-top lousewort
maiden-hair fern
lance-leaf stonecrop
North Fork Teanaway River
Hoffmann's checkerspot butterfly
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.