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June 27, 2024: Thunder & Lightning Lakes (Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Washington)
Thunder Lake & Forest Road 1306
Carey's balsamroot
bare-stem buckwheat
Douglas' pincushion
basalt columns (Wildcat Postpiles)
spreading dogbane
Yakima milk-vetch, going to seed
Thunder Creek
sickle-keel lupine (?)
white spirea, budding
scarlet gilia
lowly penstemon (?)
curve-pod yellow-cress (?)
marsh speedwell
yellow pond-lily flower
yellow pond-lily fruits
floating pondweed
Canada goose family
Thunder Lake
musk monkeyflower
silver-crown luina, going to seed
harsh paintbrush
white water buttercup (which?)
spike-rush (which?)
narrow-leaf bur-reed
large-leaf avens
yellow pond-lily flower
needle-leaf navarretia
sticky cinquefoil
Lanszwert's pea-vine
shrubby penstemon, going to seed
Lightning Lake
mountain lady's-slipper orchid
panicled bulrush (?)
Lightning Lake
tarweed (which?)
bog-bean (buckbean) leaves
pinedrops, budding
yellow harsh paintbrush
Columbia tiger lily
erineum mite gall on Douglas' maple leaf
heart-leaf arnica & vanilla-leaf
mountain lady's-slipper orchid
helicopter fighting the South Fork Fire
South Fork Fire
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.