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June 18, 2024: Stein's Pillar & Western Ochoco Mountains (Ochoco National Forest, Oregon)
last year's pinedrops
elkhorn clarkia
heart-leaf buckwheat
worm-leaf stonecrop
wavy-leaf paintbrush
spear-leaf agoseris, gone to seed
diamond clarkia
nodding microseris
rough eyelash-weed
Ochoco Mountains
scabland fleabane
sulphur-flower buckwheat
heart-leaf arnica, gone to seed
Douglas' catchfly, budding
spurred lupines
midge galls on snowberry leaves
Boisduval's blue butterfly on hawksbeard
Scouler's hawkweed
orange honeysuckle, budding
Carey's balsamroot
Menzies' catchfly
round-leaf alumroot
little pipsissewa, budding
Stein's Pillar
grand collomia
Stein's Pillar & Mill Creek
John Day cinquefoil
wild raspberry flowers
spreading dogbane
lowly penstemon
feathery false Solomon's-seal, going to seed
scarlet paintbrush
Douglas' phlox
blue flax
large-flower goldenweed, budding
desert yellow daisies/
virgate phacelia
hot rock penstemon
bald-hip rose
American speedwell
Stein's Pillar
Roezl's penstemon
Philadelphia fleabane
Mill Creek
narrow-leaf skullcap
scarlet gilia
showy penstemon
Oregon sunshine
northern mule's-ears
Douglas' sunflower
sticky geranium
wood-rush pussy-toes
Lanszwert's pea-vine
narrow-leaf collomia
California corn lilies, budding
upland larkspur
thyme-leaf speedwell
sticky cinquefoil
Twin Pillars
long-stalk clover
dwarf hesperochiron
meadow full of western bistort
sweet marsh ragwort (tall groundsel)
western bistort
water montia
slender-fruited desert parsley (?)
Rydberg's penstemon
western blue flag iris leaves
sticky cinquefoil
line-leaf montia
gopher eskers
Trail Meadow
western bistort & desert parsley
desert parsley (which?)
Oregon checker-mallow, budding
prairie smoke
Moccasin Prairie
white bog orchid
bulbil onions
early blue violet
three-parted mitrewort
prickly currant flowers
blue stick-seed
Sitka valerian
sticky currant
phacelia with purple flowers
Mill Creek Wilderness
John Day cinquefoil
shrubby penstemon
wax currant
ocean-spray, budding
rosy pussy-toes
field of California corn lilies
pale showy penstemon
Oregon saxifrage
northern black currant
monkshood leaves
West Branch Bridge Creek & Black Butte
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.