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« 2024-06 Entiat Mountains
June 5, 2024: Mills Canyon, Keystone Point, & Mad River Trail (Chelan County, Washington)
Mills Canyon & Keystone Point
thimbleberry flowers
spear-leaf agoseris, gone to seed
Douglas' catchfly
lance-leaf stonecrop, budding
Douglas' pincushion
bare-stem desert parsley
Mills Canyon
yellow-white larkspur
desert yellow daisies/
Chelan penstemon
Columbia dotted blue butterfly on Wenatchee buckwheat
Tweedy's lewisia
taper-leaf penstemon
heart-leaf bitter-cress
Tweedy's lewisia, going to seed
spreading dogbane
Oregon sunshine
scarlet gilia
intermountain bedstraw
Tweedy's lewisia
Douglas' sunflower
arrow-leaf balsamroot
big-leaf lupine
ponderosa pines
rosy pussy-toes
Tweedy's lewisia
Mills Canyon & Chelan Mountains
antelope bitter-brush
velvet lupine
sticky cinquefoil
red-stem ceanothus (buck brush)
Lyall's mariposa lily
view to the east
Entiat Valley
white spirea
blue elderberry, budding
northern cloudy-wing butterfly
large-flowered cluster lily
Spencer Canyon
silver-leaf phacelia
Wenatchee buckwheat
Chelan penstemon
Keystone Ridge
mountain snowberry flowers
panicled death-camas & round-leaf alumroot
silver-crown luina
thread-leaf phacelia
flax-flower linanthus
tall buckwheat, budding
Entiat River Valley
Columbia River & Entiat
parsnip-flower buckwheat, budding
yellow Tweedy's lewisia
shrubby penstemon
crab spider
Whited's fuzzy-tongue penstemon
woolly groundsel
Goose Lake buckwheat
bastard toad-flax
Keystone Point
greater bee fly on Chelan penstemon
scarlet gilia & lupine
Keystone Point
road through wildflowers
scarlet paintbrush
big-leaf lupine & shrubby penstemon
Nootka rose
snow dwarf-primrose, going to seed
white shooting-stars
yellow-white larkspur
fairy moth
Nootka rose
ocean-spray, budding
puddling butterflies
narrow-leaf collomia
western columbine
grand collomia
dead crane flies in blazing-stars
bushy blazing-star
Mad River Trail
Menzies' catchfly
Columbia tiger lily
monkeyflower (which?)
red-osier dogwood flowers & fruits
sagebrush stickseed
crags above the Mad River
unusually glabrous Chelan penstemon
Mad River
parsnip-flower buckwheat
Scouler's hawkweed
yarrow & Douglas' pincushion
rust fungus on a rose hip
unripe thimbleberries
Tweedy's lewisia
rough horsetail
pea-vine flowers
Lyall's mariposa lily
blue-bunch wheat-grass
something in the parsley family
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.