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June 11, 2024: Bachelor Mountain (Willamette National Forest, Oregon)
Coffin Mountain
Bachelor Mountain & Mount Jefferson
sticky cinquefoil
Oregon anemone
wild ginger, budding
red elderberry, budding
prickly currant, budding
pioneer violets
western trillium
lance-leaf spring-beauty
Cascade desert parsley in multiple colors
subalpine mariposa lily, budding
blue-head gilia, budding
Menzies' larkspur
sulphur-flower buckwheat
wallflower & harsh paintbrush
Olympic onion
Washington lily leaves
silver-crown luina, budding
Coffin Mountain
silver-crown luina
western saxifrage
spreading stonecrop, budding
Bachelor Mountain
steer's-head & snow
Olympic onion
Shasta clover, budding
pink sticky currant
Coffin Mountain from a cave
spotted saxifrage leaves
cliff paintbrush
western groundsel
brittle-leaf saxifrage, budding
three-leaf lewisia
harsh paintbrush
Lyall's anemone
spreading phlox
rainiera leaves
California Indian-potato
ants eating a steer's-head
view toward the crest of the Cascades
slender mountain sandwort
Mount Jefferson
round-leaf violet
Oregon bluebells
white marsh-marigold
tall mountain shooting-stars
glacier lilies
very short glacier lily
plantain-leaf buttercups
Menzies' larkspur, budding
western saxifrage
Sitka valerian, budding
western waterleaf
Three-Fingered Jack
Menzies' larkspur
naked broomrape
creamy stonecrop, budding
reflexed rock-cress
early blue violet
Menzies' larkspur
naked broomrape
northern sanicle
snow on the trail
pine-mat manzanita
yellow-leaf iris
black huckleberry flowers
Oregon box-leaf
one-sided wintergreen, budding
vanilla-leaf leaves
Mount Jefferson & clouds
tall bluebells
blue stick-seed
American winter-cress
Pacific rhododendron, budding
little-leaf monkeyflower & three-leaf lewisia
little-leaf monkeyflower
harsh paintbrush
Olympic onion & little-leaf monkeyflower
western saxifrage (going to seed) & little-lead monkeyflower
small-flowered penstemon
three-leaf lewisia
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.