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« 2024-05 Columbia Basin
May 10, 2024: Columbia River roadsides (Benton & Klickitat Counties, Washington)
pale evening-primrose
white sand-verbena
cut-leaf thelypody
golden-aster leaves
Franciscan (clustered) broomrape
twisted sun-cup
islands in the Columbia River
shaggy fleabane
bugloss fiddleneck
Carey's balsamroot
weak-stem cryptantha
woody-pod milk-vetch
Columbia milk-vetch
winged dock
huge tumbleweed
Alder Creek Canyon
bent milk-vetch
grasshopper nymph
purple sage
buprestid beetle on Douglas' pincushion
desert yellow daisies
bent milk-vetch & desert yellow fleabane
bristly fiddleneck
Columbia River
gray hawksbeard
purple thelypody
purple thelypody
cock's-comb cryptantha
buckwheat (which?)
purple sage
pungent desert parsley, going to seed
rock buckwheat, budding
silver-leaf phacelia
yellow heart-leaf buckwheat
Nesom's monkeyflower leaves
giant blazing-star, budding
white-stem blazing-star
intermountain bedstraw
turpentine spring-parsley, going to seed
Yakima milk-vetch pods
serrate balsamroot, going to seed
Tweedy's milk-vetch
shaggy fleabane
long-leaf phlox
Columbia River
yellow monkeyflower
water speedwell
vivid dancer damselfly
Franciscan (clustered) broomrape
Rock Creek
smooth sumac leaves
velvet lupine
Columbian dotted-blue butterfly
pale evening-primrose
sand-dune penstemon
white spurred lupine
wind turbines
nine-leaf desert parsley
north-central Oregon
showy phlox
Yakima milk-vetch
Columbia milk-vetch
wavy-leaf thistle, budding
gray hairstreak butterfly on budding velvet lupine
velvet lupine
Columbia River
Oregon sunshine
thread-leaf fleabane
Columbia prickly-pear cactus
lemon scurf-pea, budding
coastal manroot
Horsethief Butte
great camas
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.