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« 2024-05 Southern Oregon
May 24, 2024: Baldy Peak (Jackson County, Oregon)
slender tarweed (?)
western sweet-cicely, going to seed
ookow with a swollen stem gall
Henderson's stars
yellow-leaf iris
Tolmie's mariposa lilies
silver bush lupine & madia
virgate phacelia
silver bush lupine
silver bush lupine
Grayback Mountain & the Upper Applegate Valley
miniature lupine
common madia
trail through madia
slender clarkia
hot rock penstemon
bell catchfly
very tall fern-leaf desert parsley
Applegate stonecrop
silver bush lupine & madia
blue dicks
rosy plectritis
Baldy Peak
Franciscan (clustered) broomrape
foothill clover
rusty popcorn-flower
slender cotton-weed (Q-tips)
canyon live oak, flowering
narrow-leaf blue-eyed-Mary
California poppies
western morning-glory leaves
California poppies
mountain white-thorn
western groundsel
ringlet butterfly on larkspur
red bells (scarlet fritillary)
narrow-leaf miner's-lettuce
deltoid balsamroot
tiny hairy American vetch
lance-leaf Oregon sunshine, budding
rough eyelash-weed
ants tending an aphid farm
San Francisco woodland star
Douglas' stitchwort
thread-leaf phacelia
sulphur-flower buckwheat
Mule Mountain
spear-leaf agoseris
Henderson's stars, budding
big-seed biscuitroot
Siskiyou lewisia
Siskiyou lewisia
lance-leaf Oregon sunshine
view to the north
north side of Little Grayback Mountain and the central Siskiyous
western fence lizard, molting
anise swallowtail butterfly
silver bush lupine
trail through madia
mountain garter snake
diamond clarkia
common madia
great hound's-tongue fruits
Tolmie's mariposa lily
American vetch
Tolmie's mariposa lily with only two petals
frosted paintbrush (?)
deer brush
Hooker's Indian-pink
Henderson's stars
yarrow-leaf Oregon sunshine
thimbleberry flowers
western starflowers
leafy pea-vine pods
western columbine
western vervain
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.