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« 2024-05 Southern Oregon
May 23, 2024: Bald Mountain (Jackson County, Oregon)
rosy plectritis, budding
serviceberry flowers
small-flowered tonella
shiny-leaf gooseberry
upland larkspur
western groundsel, budding
miniature lupines
Applegate stonecrop (?)
annual agoseris
fern-leaf desert parsley
San Francisco woodland star
small-flowered deer-vetch
whisker-brush leaves
checker lily
spring-gold desert parsley
great hound's-tongue
trailing gooseberry flowers
Siskiyou onion
nine-leaf desert parsley (which?)
Henderson's fawn lily
Oregon Jacob's-ladder
birch-leaf mountain-mahogany flowers
bitter cherry flowers
northern sanicle
Bear Creek Valley
prairie star
western trillium
Sitka valerian, budding
creamy stonecrop, budding
mariposa lilies
Mount McLoughlin
Sierra pea-vine
Big Red Mountain & Dutchman Peak
Henderson's fawn lilies
little tarweed
inflated grass-widow
white sessile-flowered trillium
Lyall's anemone
Shelton's violet
western tent caterpillars
blue dicks
ball-head sandwort, budding
rocky slopes
Siskiyou mariposa lily leaf
wavy-leaf paintbrush
Washington lily leaves
upland larkspur
elegant mariposa lilies
silver bush lupine (?)
sulphur-flower buckwheat, budding
death-camas, budding
mystery paintbrush
deltoid balsamroot
smoke from a prescribed burn
red-flowered currant
western waterleaf (?)
pioneer violet
hairy-stem rock-cress
Wagner Butte
red bells (scarlet fritillary)
big-leaf sandwort
shining Oregon-grape
Henderson's milk-vetch
narrow-leaf blue-eyed-Mary
cryptantha, rosy plectritis, & blue-eyed-Mary
silver bush lupines
yellow-leaf iris
hairy paintbrush
Hooker's Indian-pink
smoky view to the south
virgate phacelia
silver bush lupine (?)
California poppies
Bald Mountain
slender tarweed
coastal manroot
deltoid balsamroot
purple mariposa lily
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.