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April 27-28, 2024: Sorefoot Creek (Wasco County, Oregon)
rough eyelash-weed
John Day Valley
white plectritis
slender cryptantha
John Day pincushion
large-flowered cluster lily
claystone hills
hole in the hills
claystone hills
golden bee plant
John Day pincushion close-up
Cusick's sunflower
tufted evening-primrose, faded to pink
woolly-pod milk-vetch pods
wildflowers & claystone hills
long-leaf phlox
Grimmia moss
broad-leaf milk-vetch pods
thread-stalk milk-vetch
shad-scale salt-bush
false agoseris (sagebrush dandelion)
claystone hills
broad-leaf milk-vetch
John Day pincushion
golden bee plant & John Day pincushion
baby tumbleweed
Black Rock
claystone hills
cock's-comb cryptantha
spreading wallflower
golden bee plant
proliferous buckwheat with last year's flower stalks
gopher snake
tufted evening-primrose
heart-leaf buckwheat
cock's-comb cryptantha
Sorefoot Creek
willow (which?)
nine-leaf desert parsley
antelope bitter-brush
bare-stem desert parsley
spurred lupine
gray horse-brush
John Day pincushion & golden bee plant
Black Rock & Sorefoot Creek
dry-ground lupine leaves
Cusick's sunflowers
small-pod false-flax
Donnell's desert parsley
Idaho milk-vetch
so many horses
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.