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« 2024-04 Central California
April 13, 2024: Oso Flaco Lake & Oceano Dunes (San Luis Obispo County, California)
baby mallard duck
Oso Flaco Lake
California bulrush flowers
Oso Flaco Lake
ruddy ducks
Oso Flaco Lake
Oso Flaco Lake
Oso Flaco Lake
bristly cryptantha
Oceano Dunes
yarrow, budding
Oceano Dunes
beach sun-cups
Oceano Dunes
red sand-verbena
Oceano Dunes
Irish Hills & waves
Oceano Dunes
Oso Flaco Creek
Oceano Dunes
dune ragwort leaves
Oceano Dunes
Blochman's leafy fleabane leaves
Oceano Dunes
sand dunes
Oceano Dunes
curly-leaf monardella
Oceano Dunes
dune wallflower
Oceano Dunes
dune bush lupine
Oceano Dunes
California cudweed
Oceano Dunes
branching phacelia leaves
Oceano Dunes
live-forever (which?)
Oceano Dunes
bristly cryptantha
Oceano Dunes
California broom (deer-weed)
Oceano Dunes
beach sun-cups
Oceano Dunes
California sand-aster leaves
Oceano Dunes
western tussock moth caterpillar on pussy-paws leaves
Oceano Dunes
pink sand-verbena
Oceano Dunes
cristate grasshopper
Oceano Dunes
Eastwood's spineflower
Oceano Dunes
sand dunes & Casmalia Hills
Oceano Dunes
live-forever (which?)
Oceano Dunes
mesa fiddleneck
Oceano Dunes
California cotton-rose
Oceano Dunes
dune wallflower
Oceano Dunes
black twin-berry flowers
Oso Flaco Lake Road
gooseberry leaves
Oso Flaco Lake Road
red-tailed hawk
Oso Flaco Lake Road
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.