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April 16, 2024: Berryessa-Knoxville Road (Napa County, California)
canyon nemophila
purple Chinese houses
western blue-eyed-grass
serpentine collomia
small-flowered willow-herb
blue dicks
Diogenes' lantern
orange hills
little-leaf monkeyflower
big shrubby lupine (which?)
arroyo lupine
sticky monkeyflower
chia sage
distant phacelia
coastal tidy-tips
yellow chick lupine
Ithuriel's spear
jeweled onion
bowl-tube iris
Diogenes' lantern
western buttercup
white tomcat clover
yerba santa
Lake Berryessa, Indian Island, & Berryessa Peak
blue elderberry flowers
woolly desert-dandelion
cliff swallows
dot-seed plantain
narrow-leaf owl's-clover (valley tassels)
California desert bluebell
California poppies
red larkspur
California desert parsley
western redbud
Ithuriel's spear
chapparal nightshade
foothill poppies
Bolander's woodland stars
narrow-leaf mule's-ears
Eticuera Creek
Pacific pea-vine
red larkspur
blue scarlet pimpernel
bristly jewel-flower
smooth mule's-ears
western blue-eyed-grass
yarrow-leaf woolly sunflower
crab spider
Zim Zim Falls Creek
royal larkspur
Blue Ridge
Hoover's desert parsley
few-flowered blue-eyed-mary
true baby-stars
purple sanicle
royal larkspur
California gold-fields
fairy moth on jeweled onion
great hound's-tongue fruits
white few-flowered blue-eyed-mary
gold-fields & California poppies
wavy-leaf soap plant, budding
miniature lupine
Hartweg's desert parsley
western blue-eyed-grass
notch-leaf clover
blow-wives, flowering
Camp Martin paintbrush
Knoxville Valley & Blue Ridge
purple owl's-clover
lacy phacelia
very small phacelia
bird's-eye gilia
canyon live-forever (rock lettuce)
yellow pincushion
silver bush lupine
woolly-fruit desert parsley leaves
Napa cryptantha
Andrews' (phlox-leaf) bedstraw
woolly paintbrush
lesser hare-leaf
California sandwort
sickle-leaf onion
tuberous sanicle (turkey-pea)
variable linanthus
narrow-leaf onion, budding
small-flowered death-camas
warrior's plume lousewort
burned white-leaf manzanita
Knoxville Valley & Blue Ridge
variable linanthus
short-spur white plectritis
Watson's man-root fruit
bare monkeyflower
marsh larkspur leaves
vernal pool blue dicks
few-flowered blue-eyed-mary
pink plastic swords
gold-fields & few-flowered blue-eyed-mary
vernal pool blue dicks, gold-fields, & hare-leaf
bull clover
white plectritis
California golden-banner
Douglas' violet
bowl-tube iris
evening snow
view to the south
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.