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« 2023-07 Olympic Mountains
July 6, 2023: Obstruction Point Road: Eagle Point, Elk Mountain, & Badger Valley (Olympic National Park, Washington)
Eagle Point
avalanche lilies
Olympic Mountains
tundra asters
glacier lilies
broad-leaf lupine
Eagle Point
not-very-orange agoseris
cushion buckwheat
eastern Olympic Mountains
Olympic bellflower/
western sweet-vetch
dwarf-primrose (smooth douglasia)
Drummond's anemone
Olympic violets
white mountain heather
Lyall's goldenweed
tufted saxifrage
California Jacob's-ladder
spreading stonecrop, budding
Olympic paintbrush
snow buttercups
western pasqueflower
talus willow-herb
Hurricane Ridge & Mount Angeles
arctic agoseris
Elk Mountain & Badger Valley
Elk Mountain
Fendler's waterleaf
Olympic larkspur
scarlet paintbrush
Obstruction Peak
pink yarrow
talus collomia
prairie smoke
small-flowered penstemon
cushion buckwheat
woolly pussy-toes
fan-leaf cinqufoil
sticky locoweed
blue-leaf cinquefoil
Elk Mountain
western sweet-vetch
Lyall's rock-cress
creeping sibbaldia
alpine smelowskia
yellow mountain heather
shrubby cinquefoil
slender mountain sandwort
wolf lichen & shrubby cinquefoil
east end of Elk Mountain
arctic buttercup
dwarf lupine
northern goldenrod
silky phacelia
Henderson's phlox
Olympic cut-leaf kitten-tails, going to seed
broken rock
dwarf-primrose (smooth douglasia), fading
cut-leaf anemone
northern wormwood/
alpine sandwort
yellow locoweed
spreading phlox
The Needles & Mount Deception
the trail
weird "berm" below Elk Mountain
Olympic paintbrush
Cascade desert parsley
black bear
curved-leaf stonecrop
gray sagewort
Badger Valley & Obstruction Peak
goldenrod, budding
seasonal stream
streambank arnica, budding
heart-leaf spring-beauty
sweet-vetch & bistort
Drummond's cinquefoil
white bog orchid
western columbine
red bracted lousewort
edible thistle, budding
Robbins' milk-vetch
Robbins' milk-vetch
Alaskan shooting-stars
Sierra larkspur, budding
American speedwell
bog orchids & sticky false asphodel
Cascades frog
western false asphodel
subalpine fleabane
three-nerve fleabane
trail through wildflowers
northern bedstraw
slender cinquefoil
Peak 6547 & Badger Valley
veronica-leaf monkeyflower
Olympic asters
fuzzy elmera
elephant's-head lousewort
leather-leaf saxifrage leaves
grass-of-Parnassus, budding
pink & white mountain heather
pasqueflower seed heads
Olympic onion
Tolmie's saxifrage
Olympic ragwort, budding
Flett's ragwort, budding
Badger Valley & the ridge above Grand Valley
snowfields & the Grand Valley Trail
Obstruction Point Road
mountains above the Lillian River
Elk Mountain & Obstruction Peak
glacier lilies
avalanche lily & snow buttercups
young black-tailed deer
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.