Adam Schneider's
digital photos
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July 19, 2023: Windy Ridge & the Loowit Trail (Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, Washington)
Spirit Lake & the Mount Margaret Backcountry
Mount Margaret & Mount Teragram
Spirit Lake & Spud Mountain
Spirit Lake & Johnston Ridge
mating checkerspot butterflies on goat's-beard
Alpine Butte
Mount St. Helens
scarlet paintbrush & Mount St. Helens
paintbrush & lupines
non-dwarf lupine
subalpine spirea
Mount Adams
pearly everlasting & dwarf lupines
dwarf lupines & Mt. St. Helens
dwarf lupines & Spirit Lake
lupines & penstemon
paintbrush & lupines
paintbrush & lupines
lupines & paintbrush
lupines & paintbrush
lupine & paintbrush panorama
wildflowers & Mt. St. Helens
paintbrush & lupines
alpine buckwheat
white hawkweed
broad-leaf arnica
Spirit Lake & lupines
corn lily, budding
western wintergreen leaves
Lewis' monkeyflower
pink mountain heather, going to seed
umbrella liverwort
Lewis' monkeyflower at a spring
orange agoseris
Spirit Lake & lupines
Spirit Lake & Mount Rainier
dwarf lupines & Mt. St. Helens
paintbrush & mountain goat fur
brown stream, downstream
Loowit Falls
Loowit Falls
waterfall & a narrow gorge
dwarf lupine
sword fern
blowing dust near Step Falls
waterfall & blowing dust
mountain goat fur
Loowit Creek
Step Falls
pink dwarf lupines
scarlet paintbrush
Cascade penstemon
Sitka willow catkins
prickly currant
Cardwell's penstemon
Harry's Ridge, Spirit Lake, & the end of Windy Ridge
paintbrush & lupines
paintbrush & Oregon sunshine
Mount Adams
Mount St. Helens
Green River Valley & Goat Mountain
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.