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« 2023-06 Blue Mountains
June 14-15, 2023: Kendall Skyline Road, Godman Springs, & Sawtooth Ridge (Columbia County, Washington)
Spring Lake
Venus penstemon
velvet lupine
spreading dogbane
buck-brush fruits
mite gall on white spirea
pale tiger swallowtail butterfly on dogbane
worm-leaf stonecrop
elkhorn clarkia
Blue Mountain foothills
Douglas' catchfly
mountain golden-banner (golden pea)
clustered green gentian
elegant mariposa lily
stinging nettle flowers
sulphur lupines
balloon-pod milk-vetch
white sulphur lupines
small-flowered mitrewort
scarlet paintbrush
subalpine fleabane
Piper's golden buckwheat, budding
sticky cinquefoil
Sitka valerian
bracted lousewort
Venus penstemon
sulphur lupines & heart-leaf arnica
back-lit wildflowers
acute paintbrush
grass-widow, going to seed
Blue Mountain penstemon
low lupine
prairie stars
Blue Mountain onions
western coneflower, budding
tiny cryptantha
Blue Mountains & Fuzzy Butte
Harkness' linanthus
woody rock-cress
sulphur penstemon
bitter cherry
apple moss
Blue Mountain onions
lance-leaf stonecrop
upland larkspur
larkspur & onions
three-leaf lewisia
Piper's anemones
glacier lilies
goose-foot violets
pungent desert parsley
blue stickseed
scarlet gilia
Blue Mountain penstemon
alpine penny-cress
ball-head waterleaf
grouse whortleberry flowers
three-leaf lewisia
Cusick's goldenweed
California Jacob's-ladder
cous biscuitroot, going to seed
Douglas' phlox
nodding microseris
phlox & microseris
mountain golden-banner (golden pea)
sulphur penstemon
weird-colored western columbine
crowded glacier lilies
corn lily shoots
dwarf hesperochiron & small-flowered blue-eyed-Mary
snow on the road
Nuttall's linanthus
Oregon sunshine
scabland fleabane
shrubby penstemon
gray hawksbeard
montane spring parsley
dense-leaf whitlow-grass
spreading phlox
round-leaf alumroot
woolly goldenweed
mountain sandwort
sulphur penstemon
ridge east of Deadman Peak
low lupine
early wildflowers
Great Basin Indian-potato
pink Blue Mountain onions
balloon-pod milk-vetch
western bistort, budding
twin-flower honeysuckle
Brown's peony flower
Idaho sticky cinquefoil
Dutchman's breeches
heart-leaf spring-beauty
starry false Solomon's-seal
subalpine spirea, budding
sticky currant
Sitka alder flowers
mountain golden-banner (golden pea)
very red orange honeysuckle
wart-berry fairy bells fruit
large-leaf avens
thimbleberry flowers
broad-leaf arnica
Venus penstemon
hot rock penstemon
swale desert parsley
sticky cinquefoil
rugged foothills
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.