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« 2023-06 Southern Oregon
June 23-24, 2023: Illinois Valley (Josephine County, Oregon)
Rough & Ready Creek
pink naked buckwheat
Pacific nine-bark, going to seed
little-leaf monkeyflower
serpentine rush lily
white cluster-lily
Rough and Ready Creek
ternate buckwheat
Spanish clover
western dodder on coyote mint
broom buckwheat
branched hare-leaf
sulphur-flower buckwheat
yerba santa
elegant brodiaea
pink azure penstemon
Eight Dollar Mountain
silky horkelia
waxy coneflower, budding
damned yellow composite
Vollmer's leopard lily
great burnet leaves
California pitcher plants
Howell's mariposa lilies
bee on narrow-leaf onion
Howell's mariposa lily
Days Gulch Botanical Area
Howell's horkelia
California pitcher plant flowers
Bach's calico-flower
sharp-tooth angelica
giant stream orchid
blue-eyed grass
Roezl's penstemon
Tolmie's mariposa lily seed pods
marsh grass-of-Parnassus leaves
few-flowered bog orchid
California pitcher plant flower
California lady's-slipper orchids, fading
California bog asphodel
Vollmer's leopard lily
grasshopper on sneezeweed
pitcher plant fen
California pitcher plants
dwarf checker-bloom
Howell's mariposa lily
Deer Creek & Siskiyou Field Institute
Howell's mariposa lilies
rosy owl's-clover
sunset clouds
showy milkweed
Indian-rhubarb (umbrella plant) leaves
California harebell
wasp gall on Josephine horkelia
oak apples
California bog asphodel
large-flowered rush-lily
Vollmer's leopard lily, budding
western azalea
bog asphodel flowers & coneflower leaves
pitcher plant fen
rough eyelash-weed
bog orchids, pitcher plants, & coneflower leaves
musk monkeyflower
Deer Creek
Little Falls Loop Trail
Siskiyou paintbrush & pitcher plants
waxy coneflower
Siskiyou paintbrush
long-stalked clover
streambank bird's-foot trefoil
Vollmer's leopard lily
Illinois River
hemp dogbane
azure penstemon
Little Illinois River Falls
Shelton's coyote mint
leafy fleabane, gone to seed
elegant brodiaea
waxy coneflower
Forest Road 25 & Onion Mountain
snowy thistle
celery-leaf lovage
leafy fleabane
Siskiyou ragwort
sprawling lupine
phantom orchid
pioneer violets
inside-out flower
lily with very thin leaves, budding
swamp onion, budding
marbled wild ginger leaves
yellow-leaf iris
sickle-keel lupine
western morning-glory
Clodius parnassian butterfly on dogbane
azure penstemon
pink azure penstemon
marbled wild ginger flowers
white-bark (black-cap) raspberry
streambank bird's-foot trefoil
cardinal monkeyflower
western columbine
California poppies
Oregon sunshine
California spikenard
leafy pea-vine pods
big deer-vetch
roadside waterfall
coastal boykinia
Taylor Creek Canyon
elegant brodiaea
Rogue River
Rogue River
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.