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« 2023-06 Blue Mountains
June 13-14, 2023: Anatone Butte, Wickiup Spring, & Diamond Peak (Asotin & Garfield Counties, Washington)
rain over the Blue Mountains
elkhorn clarkia
swale desert parsley
sticky phlox
Blue Mountain penstemon
Oregon catchfly
Tolmie's onion, going to seed
dwarf purple monkeyflower
cous biscuitroot, going to seed
scarlet gilia
sulphur penstemon
Yakima bird's-beak
serrate balsamroot, going to seed
Blue Mountains
Venus penstemon, budding
hot rock penstemon
south side of Anatone Butte
cluster lilies & desert parsley
Douglas' sunflowers
Douglas' sunflowers
Brown's peony fruits
worm-leaf stonecrop
narrow-leaf skullcap
mountain sticky cinquefoil
clustered green gentian
spurred lupine
mallow-leaf nine-bark
arrow-leaf balsamroot
bulbous-gall sawfly galls on snowberry
comb-leaf cinquefoil, budding
scarlet paintbrush
elegant mariposa lily
white sulphur lupines
meadow larkspur & mule's-ears
meadow larkspur
meadow larkspur
Morton's Canadian milk-vetch
acute paintbrush
Blue Mountain penstemon
Blue Mountains
upland larkspur
woolly-head clover
twin clover
white sulphur lupines
sticky phlox
heart-leaf arnica
heart-leaf arnica
Eaton's fleabane
western columbine
not-very-woolly goldenweed
big-head clover
harsh paintbrush
coyote-mint leaves
false bugbane
heart-leaf spring-beauty
white bog orchid, budding
woodland buttercup
yellow monkeyflower
heart-leaf arnica
northern currant
dwarf hesperochiron
Piper's anemone
California Jacob's-ladder
Wallowa Mountains
big-pod mariposa lily, budding
desert shooting stars
Blue Mountain onions
blue stickseed
clustered green gentian
low lupine
Cusick's goldenweed, budding
Sitka valerian
white sulphur lupines
mountain buttercups
multi-colored round-leaf violets
cream-colored round-leaf violet
Diamond Peak
arnica & Jacob's-ladder
sticky currant
white blue-eyed-Mary
groundsel with very round leaves
kitten-tails, going to seed
fool's huckleberry
huckleberry flowers
northern sanicle
lance-leaf spring-beauty
round-leaf alumroot
shrubby penstemon
nodding microseris
big-leaf sandwort
pungent desert parsley
Nuttall's linanthus
Eaton's fleabane
Piper's golden buckwheat
coiled-beak lousewort
alpine penny-cress
glacier lilies
Blue Mountain onions
ball-head waterleaf
gopher eskers
goose-foot violet
Idaho sticky cinquefoil
Sitka valerian
pioneer violets
Piper's anemones
Utah honeysuckle
bonfire scaly-cap mushrooms
red elderberry flowers
subalpine fleabane, budding
Mertens' saxifrage
yellow sulphur lupines
creeping Oregon-grape
prairie smoke
western sweet-cicely, going to seed
yellow sulphur lupines
parsnip-flower buckwheat
Tucannon River Valley
Oregon sunshine
swamp currant flowers
woolly-head clover
clustered green gentian
mountain golden-banner (golden pea)
yellow sulphur lupines
Alva Day's pincushion
Blue Mountain penstemon
sulphur penstemon
wind turbines & farm buildings
Blue Mountain foothills
showy milkweed
Blue Mountain foothills
Venus penstemon
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.