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March 17, 2023: Gordon Ridge & Lower Deschutes River (Sherman County, Oregon)
The winter of 2023 was very cold all up and down the west coast, so the flowers were well behind their usual schedule.
Gordon Ridge
grain elevator & Mt. Hood
Deschutes River
Gorman's salt-and-pepper desert parsley
spring whitlow-grass
Mt. Hood & Deschutes River Canyon
black-tailed deer & bighorn sheep
yellow bell
gold stars
Hood's phlox
pungent desert parsley
balsamroot shoot
bighorn sheep
last year's fleabane stalks
Mt. Hood & Deschutes River Canyon
wind turbines & wheat fields
Lower Deschutes River
Deschutes River
bare-stem desert parsley leaves
buckwheat leaves
Deschutes River
bulblet prairie stars, budding
mossy rose galls
gold stars
balsamroot shoot
balsamroot shoot
looper moth caterpillar (inchworm) on desert parsley
low pussy-toes
willow buds
Douglas' pincushion leaves
pungent desert parsley
monkeyflower leaves
aquatic plants
water-cress leaves
willow-herb leaves
Ferry Springs Canyon
whole-leaf saxifrage, budding
desert shooting-star, budding
Ferry Springs Canyon, Deschutes River, & the Columbia River
lupine leaves
desert shooting-star, budding
last year's shooting-star seed capsules
Deschutes River & Columbia Hills
prairie stars & gold stars
slender popcorn flower
last year's golden-asters
broken basalt & the Deschutes River
balsamroot, budding
chickweed monkeyflower
prairie star
phacelia leaves
long-leaf phlox
woolly-pod milk-vetch, budding
gray rabbitbrush
last year's grass seed heads
last year's sagebrush flowers
cut-leaf thelypody
wild tarragon leaves
last year's tarragon flowers
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.