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August 11, 2022: Tatoosh Range (Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington)
I summited Plummer Peak (extremely easy), Denman Peak (pretty easy), and Lane Peak (not easy at all).
Lane Peak
broad-leaf lupines
showy sedge
magenta paintbrush
white rhododendron
bracted lousewort
Cascade asters
coiled-beak lousewort
spreading stonecrop
fan-leaf cinquefoil
east side of Plummer Peak
alpine false dandelion
yellow penstemon
Menzies' penstemon
sickle-top lousewort
arctic lupine & pink mountain heather
Tolmie's saxifrage
Mount Rainier & snowfields
ridge southeast of Wahpenayo Peak
western Tatoosh Range
Lane Peak & Denman Peak
crowberry leaves
western Tatoosh Range panorama
Pinnacle Peak & The Castle
Cusick's speedwell
avalanche lily
pink mountain heather
white mountain heather
rusty saxifrage
Denman Peak & Mount Rainier
scarlet paintbrush
Lane Peak
paintbrush & asters
white lupine
avalanche lilies
Wahpenayo Peak
Lane Peak scramble route
silver-back luina
Pinnacle Peak & Plummer Peak
Eagle Peak
summit of Lane Peak
dead tree & Plummer Peak
Lane Peak scramble route
cicada exuvia
harebells & heather leaves
western pasqueflower seed heads
alpine hawkweed
tall mountain shooting stars
Cliff Lake
western false asphodel
horse fly
Alaska club-moss
subalpine fleabane
northwestern salamander larva
Boisduval's blue butterfly
arrow-leaf groundsel
magenta paintbrush
galls on Cascade asters
Sitka valerian, gone to seed
Wahpenayo Peak & Cliff Lake
western columbine
Plummer Peak
blueberry flowers
Pinnacle Peak
Cliff Lake
beargrass & white mountain heather
Mount Rainier
Davis' knotweed
Little Tahoma
red elderberries
galls(?) on heather leaves
Pinnacle Peak & a tarn
Gray's lovage
chocolate-chip lichen
broad-leaf arnica
Unicorn Peak & West Unicorn Peak
slender sandwort
northern goldenrod
bird's-beak lousewort
Sitka mountain-ash
Brewer's mitrewort
Nelson's saxifrage
leather-leaf saxifrage seeds
very green moss
slender bog orchid
arctic colt's-foot
leather-leaf saxifrage flowers
explorer's gentian, budding
white-flowered willow-herb
Lewis' monkeyflower
tundra asters
small white violet
Mount Rainier & Reflection Lakes
green corn lily
hooded ladies'-tresses
western bistort
elephant's-head lousewort
alpine speedwell
broad-leaf lupines
tall mountain shooting stars
Canby's lovage & subalpine spirea
hairy arnica
Mount Rainier & Reflection Lakes
explorer's gentian
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.