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August 3-4, 2022: Calapooya Mountains (Umpqua National Forest, Lane County & Douglas County, Oregon)
Fairview Peak & Bohemia Mountain
Bohemia Mountain & Fairview Peak
Forest Road 2212
Shasta clover
Forest Road 2212
Alice's fleabane
Forest Road 2212
Nuttall's linanthus
Fairview Peak
blue flax
Fairview Peak
variable checkerspot butterfly on heart-leaf buckwheat
Fairview Peak
fuzzy-horned bumblebee & yellow lupine
Fairview Peak
scarlet gilia
Fairview Peak
MacCulloch's forester moth caterpillar
Fairview Peak
nettle-leaf horse-mint
Fairview Peak
Siskiyou corn lily
Fairview Peak
Fairview Peak
bleeding heart with purplish leaves
Fairview Peak
Bohemia Mountain
Fairview Peak
Fairview Peak
owl's-clover & linanthus
Fairview Peak
mountain owl's-clover
Fairview Peak
gray sagewort & mountain owl's-clover
Fairview Peak
Cascade aster
Fairview Peak
paintbrush & fleabane
Fairview Peak
yellow lupine
Fairview Peak
sticky-leaf arnica (?)
Fairview Peak
Menzies' larkspur
Fairview Peak
glacier lily seed pods
Fairview Peak
spotted saxifrage
Fairview Peak
creamy stonecrop, fading
Fairview Peak
bell catchfly, fading
Fairview Peak
Fairveiw Peak lookout
Fairview Peak
Fairview Peak
Fairview Peak
cliff penstemon, going to seed
Fairview Peak
white hawkweed
Fairview Peak
bare-stem buckwheat
Fairview Peak
Edith's checkerspot butterfly on heart-leaf buckwheat
Fairview Peak
buckwheat, fleabane, & owl's-clover
Fairview Peak
sulphur-flower buckwheat
Fairview Peak
owl's-clover, buckwheat, & fleabane
Fairview Peak
Fairview Peak
fringe-bract thistle
Fairview Peak
fern-leaf desert parsley fruits
Fairview Peak
canyon clover
Sharps Creek Road
musk monkeyflower
Sharps Creek Road
Sharps Creek Road
bead lily, going to seed
Bohemia Mountain Trail
Bolander's ragwort
Bohemia Mountain Trail
rigid hedge-nettle
Bohemia Mountain Trail
erineum mite galls on Douglas' maple leaf
Bohemia Mountain Trail
sickle-top lousewort
Bohemia Mountain Trail
Columbia windflowers
Bohemia Mountain Trail
summit block
Bohemia Mountain Trail
cascara berries
Bohemia Mountain Trail
Cedar Creek Fire
Bohemia Mountain
Cascade fleabane, gone to seed
Bohemia Mountain
Fairview Peak
Bohemia Mountain
summit of Bohemia Mountain
Bohemia Mountain
turtle-head (woodland beard-tongue)
Bohemia Mountain Trail
scarlet paintbrush
Bohemia Mountain Trail
Scouler's valerian
Bohemia Mountain Trail
trillium in talus
Bohemia Mountain Trail
broad-leaf arnica, gone to seed
Bohemia Mountain Trail
Bristow Prairie & Forest Road 5850
varied-leaf collomia
Forest Road 5850
rayless arnica
Forest Road 5850
mountain boykinia
Forest Road 5850
woodland skipper butterfly in the clutches of a crab spider
Forest Road 5850
white bog orchid
Forest Road 5850
Forest Road 5850
Forest Road 5850
broad-leaf lupine
Forest Road 5850
very pale Douglas' spirea (hardhack)
Forest Road 5850
western coneflower
Forest Road 5850
mountain owl's-clover
Bristow Prairie
Oregon sunshine
Bristow Prairie
green corn lily
Bristow Prairie
Bristow Prairie
nettle-leaf horse-mint
Bristow Prairie
grand collomia
Bristow Prairie
Bristow Prairie
Bristow Prairie
straight-beak buttercup seeds
Bristow Prairie
Scouler's harebells
Bristow Prairie
Bristow Prairie
Bolander's madia
Bristow Prairie
Howell's monkshood
Bristow Prairie
hooded ladies'-tresses
Bristow Prairie
Oregon checker-mallow
Bristow Prairie
pug moth caterpillar on checker-mallow
Bristow Prairie
elephant's-head lousewort, going to seed
Bristow Prairie
arum-leaf arrowhead (wapato)
Bristow Prairie
sharp-tooth angelica
Bristow Prairie
canyon clover
Bristow Prairie
sharp-leaf monkeyflower
Bristow Prairie
bracted lousewort, going to seed
Bristow Prairie
Oregon jacob's-ladder
Bristow Prairie
horse-mint & goldenrod
Bristow Prairie
honey bee on rainiera
Bristow Prairie
Forest Road 5851 & Loletta Lakes
arrow-leaf groundsel
Forest Road 5851
tall bluebells
Forest Road 5851
fuzzy orange bee fly
Forest Road 5851
western bistort
Forest Road 5851
common willow-herb
Forest Road 5851
police-car moth on groundsel
Forest Road 5851
hairy-leaved primrose monkeyflowers
Forest Road 5851
western false asphodel
Forest Road 5851
Drummond's cinquefoil
Forest Road 5851
Oregon willow-herb
Forest Road 5851
western false asphodel, going to seed
Forest Road 5851
umbrella liverwort
Forest Road 5851
slender bog orchid
Forest Road 5851
brook saxifrage
Forest Road 5851
five-stamen mitrewort, gone to seed
Forest Road 5851
prickly swamp currant berries
Forest Road 5851
sawfly having lunch
Forest Road 5851
mountain boykinia
Forest Road 5851
arum-leaf arrowhead (wapato) leaves
Loletta Lakes
mariposa copper butterflies, mating
Loletta Lakes
shooting star
Loletta Lakes
Hudsonian white-face dragonfly
Loletta Lakes
Loletta Lakes
Loletta Lakes
star sedge
Loletta Lakes
bog blueberries
Loletta Lakes
celery-leaf lovage & subalpine spirea
Forest Road 5851
curve-pod yellow-cress
Forest Road 5851
vernal pool
Forest Road 5851
something like cudweed
Forest Road 5851
bog St.-John's-wort (tinker's penny)
Forest Road 5851
huge noble fir cones
Forest Road 5851
leopard lilies
Forest Road 3810
Bolander's madia
Forest Road 3810
streambank bird's-foot trefoil seed pods
Forest Road 3810
leopard lily
Forest Road 3810
Balm Mountain
aphid galls on manzanita leaves
Balm Mountain
Cardwell's penstemon
Balm Mountain
pearly everlasting
Balm Mountain
Cascade asters
Balm Mountain
orange agoseris
Balm Mountain
one-sided wintergreen
Balm Mountain
turtle-head (woodland beard-tongue)
Balm Mountain
Potter Fire
Balm Mountain
leafy fleabane
Balm Mountain
Balm Mountain
Balm Mountain
bristle fly
Balm Mountain
cliff penstemon, fading
Balm Mountain
summit block
Balm Mountain
sulphur-flower buckwheat
Balm Mountain
view to the south-southeast
Balm Mountain
frosted paintbrush
Balm Mountain
sulphur-flower buckwheat
Balm Mountain
spreading dogbane
Balm Mountain
silver-back luina
Balm Mountain
interesting rocks
Balm Mountain
scarlet paintbrush
Balm Mountain
Scouler's hawkweed flowers
Balm Mountain
mason bee on coyote-mint
Balm Mountain
mountain coyote-mint
Balm Mountain
naked-stem hawksbeard
Balm Mountain
phlox bonsai
Balm Mountain
heart-leaf buckwheat
Balm Mountain
hot rock penstemon, going to seed
Balm Mountain
Diamond Peak
Balm Mountain
Coal Creek Valley
Balm Mountain
Forest Road 3402 (and others)
pale tiger swallowtail butterfly on dogbane
Forest Road 3810-236
Calapooya Mountains
Forest Road 2154
Alice's fleabane
Forest Road 3402
Montana sticky cinquefoil
Forest Road 3402
streambank bird's-foot trefoil
Forest Road 3402
leafy-bract asters
Forest Road 3402
longhorn flower beetle on boykinia
Forest Road 3402
floating bur-reed
Forest Road 3402
floating-leaf pondweed flowers
Forest Road 3402
panicled bulrush
Forest Road 3402
western coneflower
Forest Road 3402
Cooley's hedge-nettle
Forest Road 3402
unripe wild raspberries
Forest Road 3402
Gray's lovage
Forest Road 3402
North Umpqua Valley
Forest Road 4775
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.