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July 22, 2022: Harts Pass & Tatie Peak (Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, Washington)
Delancy Ridge & the Upper Methow River
narrow road
fan-leaf cinquefoil
yellow anemone
Sierra arnica (?)
grouse whortleberry flowers
ball-head waterleaf
western pasqueflowers
glacier lilies
Mertens' saxifrage
Cusick's speedwell, budding
western saxifrage
Robinson Mountain & a ridge to the east
snow buttercups
fuzzy elmera (yellow coral-bells), budding
broad-leaf arnica, budding
Brandegee's desert parsley
very short subalpine fleabane, budding
Cusick's speedwell
Columbia lewisia
Columbia lewisia (and other wildflowers)
western groundsel
Lyall's rock-cress flowers & pods
the trail
alpine buckwheat
Azurite Peak
bracted lousewort
upland larkspur
Drummond's cinquefoil
Leiberg's fleabane
cut-leaf fleabane
PCT panorama
goose-foot violet, fading
wildflowers & Tatie Peak
glaucous willow-herb
Elmer's ragwort (?), budding
showy Jacob's-ladder
subalpine sulphur-flower buckwheat
white mountain heather
pink mountain heather
woolly pussy-toes, budding
Slate Creek Valley (Ninetynine Basin)
Tatie Peak
Rydberg's arnica
Lyall's rock-cress
Drummond's anemones
Mount Ballard
Cone Mountain & mountains to the east
Rydberg's arnica
Drummond's anemone
arctic buttercup
lance-leaf spring-beauty
western pasqueflower
Syncline Mountain (Peak 7528)
moss campion
Tatie Peak's summit & Cone Mountain
Elmer's paintbrush
racemose pussy-toes
north side of Tatie Peak
purple saxifrage, going to seed
dwarf mountain groundsel, budding
spotted saxifrage
ridges northwest of Tatie Peak
round-leaf alumroot, budding
Olympic draba
mostly-glabrous draba
lemon sagewort
silky phacelia
Hooker's mountain-avens
snow cinquefoil
blue-leaf cinquefoil
Tatie Peak summit panorama
long-stalk starwort
lance-leaf stonecrop
Nuttall's sandwort
sandwort (which?)
Lyall's goldenweed
Jacob's-ladder & moss campion
golden fleabane
moss campion
spreading phlox
creeping sibbaldia, with 6 petals & sepals
alpine sandwort
pincushion moss
Yellowstone draba seed pods
broad-leaf fireweed, budding
Tatie Peak from the west
Sitka mist-maidens
purple saxifrage, fading
snow willow
Yellowstone draba
purple saxifrage & spotted saxifrage
unripe crowberries
Tower Mountain, Golden Horn, Handcock Ridge, & larch trees
Cone Mountain & Trout Creek Valley
arctic lupine
silver-back luina, budding
Davidson's penstemon & Cone Mountain
western pasqueflower seed heads
yellow mountain heather
Tolmie's saxifrage
rosy pussy-toes
slender mountain sandwort
Oregon box-leaf
small-flowered penstemon
western columbine
few-flowered shooting star
Sitka valerian
white globe-flower, going to seed
bronze-bells, budding
Elmer's paintbrush
view to the southeast
subalpine larch cones & needles
Cascades blueberry flowers
rose-root, budding
Cascade penstemon
edible thistle
arrow-leaf groundsel
blue stickseed
Engelmann's aster, budding
horse train
pink paintbrush
scarlet gilia
Lewis' monkeyflower
white bog orchid
Douglas' sunflowers
showy fleabane, budding
orange agoseris, gone to seed
silver-crown luina
northern mule's-ears
Goat Wall & Methow Valley
July 23: North Cascades Highway
Hinkhouse Peak
Kangaroo Ridge
Highway 20, Early Winters Spires, & Liberty Bell
Diablo Lake, Colonial Peak, & Pinnacle Peak
Diablo Lake & Davis Peak
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.