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« 2021-07 Blue Mountains
July 10, 2021: Vinegar Hill (Malheur National Forest, Oregon)
subalpine fleabane
brook saxifrage
western columbine
leafy-bract aster
sticky geranium (and a green bee)
scarlet paintbrush
sticky aster
blue copper butterfly
big-pod mariposa lilies
big-pod mariposa lilies
Parry's arnica
Oregon catchfly
tall hairy larkspur
slender-tube skyrocket
blue flax
Scouler's hawkweed
long-leaved hawksbeard
pink big-pod mariposa lilies
sulphur penstemon, blue form
tall mountain shooting star seed capsules
Lewis' monkeyflower
arrow-leaf groundsel
straight-beak buttercup
white bog orchid
sulphur penstemon, yellow form
mariposa lilies & paintbrush
scarlet paintbrush
glandular paintbrush
Douglas' sunflowers
California corn lily
hairy clematis (sugar-bowls)
hairy clematis (sugar-bowls)
Piper's yellow buckwheat
slender cinqeufoil
scarlet paintbrush & hairy clematis
Oregon sunshine
balsamroot, fading
elephant's-head lousewort, unusually white
tinker's-penny (bog St.-John's-wort)
willow flowers (which?)
American speedwell
mountain death-camas
Peak 7926
mountain sticky cinquefoil & mountain goat fur
mountain goat fur high in a tree
pinkish paintbrush
east end of the Greenhorn Mountains
coiled-beak lousewort
unusually colorful pussy-paws
sulphur penstemon, yellow form
Greenhorn Mountains
woolly goldenweed, fading
Drummond's rock-cress
blue-leaf cinquefoil
cushion buckwheat
woolly groundsel
prickly sandwort
Eaton's shaggy fleabane
silky lupine
Peck's paintbrush
big-pod mariposa lilies
glandular paintbrush
rosy pussy-toes
Cusick's speedwell
sticky cinquefoil (and a flower fly)
Douglas' sunflowers
pussy-toes, going to seed
Oregon checker-mallow
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.