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« 2021-06 Central Oregon
June 3, 2021: Big Summit Prairie (Ochoco National Forest, Oregon)
Eaton's shaggy fleabane
yellow mule's-ears
mariposa lily, budding
naked broomrape
sticky geranium
yellow mule's-ears
white camas
Nevada cinquefoil
western blue flag iris
spotted mountain-bells
prairie smoke
white mule's-ears
hybrid mule's-ears
sagebrush bluebells
small-flowered nemophila
Austin's wood-beauty (sticky cinquefoil)
hybrid mule's-ears, in two colors
hybrid mule's-ears
water groundsel (alkali marsh butterweed)
long-stalk clover
little buttercup
slender cinquefoil, budding
wood-rush pussy-toes
bulbil onion
Gairdner's penstemon
arrow-leaf balsamroot
Lanzwert's pea-vine
showy penstemon
wavy-leaf paintbrush & scabland sagebrush
tall buckwheat
sticky cinquefoil
western blue flag iris
twin arnica, budding
velvet lupine
meadow death-camas
Oregon saxifrage
purple cushion fleabane
desert yellow daisies
western bistort
elk thistle
elk thistle
cliff swallow nests
cliff swallows
swimming garter snake
North Fork Crooked River
tansy-leaf evening-primrose
Rydberg's penstemon
parsnip-flower buckwheat, budding
scabland fleabane
scarlet gilia
parrot-head (hairy) paintbrush
woolly goldenweed
low sagebrush
long-leaf evening-primrose (northern sun-cup)
edible valerian
rosy pussy-toes
yellow paintbrush
prairie stars
Great Basin fence lizard
Brown's peony
alpine sheep-sorrel
Hickey Spring, dried up
meadow arnica leaves
Big Summit Prairie
bitterroot buds
pungent desert parsley
wild horse
wild horses
slender-fruited desert parsley
old pit mine
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.