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« 2021-05 Eastern Oregon
May 5, 2021: Three Forks (Malheur County, Oregon)
So many milk-vetches...
rock pinnacles
golden bee plant
Spring Mountain
tansy-leaf evening primrose
grebe on Antelope Reservoir
rock lupines
long-leaf phlox
sagebrush false dandelion
Nevada desert parsley
Pursh's woolly-pod milk-vetch
clover fern
narrow-leaf skullcap
stinging nettle
wax currant
cushiony phlox
hispid balsamroot
rock lupine
matted buckwheat
matted buckwheat
Owyhee Canyon panorama
Owyhee Canyon
Owyhee Canyon
white-stem globe-mallow, budding
rayless shaggy fleabane
desert paintbrush
curve-pod milk-vetch
northern mule's-ears
Juba skipper butterfly on mule's ears
common checkered skipper butterfly
broad-leaf freckled milk-vetch
Beaver Dam Mountains milk-vetch
Beaver Dam Mountains milk-vetch
Owyhee River
golden currant
Owyhee River
Owyhee River
willow (which?)
western hawksbeard
short-stem lupine
white-stem blazing star
Douglas' pincushion, budding
cut-leaf thelypody
rock lupine
Trout Creek milk-vetch
desert larkspur
cous biscuitroot
big-seed biscuitroot
big-head clover
Hooker's balsamroot
alkali popcorn-flower
bristly mouse-tail
shaggy fleabane
Swainson's hawk
South Mountain
cliffs above Trout Creek
night sky
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.