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« 2021-05 Eastern Oregon
May 6, 2021: Leslie Gulch (Malheur County, Oregon)
tuff formations
few-flowered pea-vine with very narrow leaflets
tuff formations & Rooster Comb
Owyhee Reservoir
chukar fight
chukar fight
Oregon sunshine
chokecherry flowers
Idaho milk-vetch pods
tuff formations
cocks-comb cryptantha
honeycomb erosion
view across Leslie Gulch
upper end of Timber Gulch
tuff formations
weird tuff formations
granite prickly-phlox
hairy bear scarab beetle on goldenweed
dwarf goldenweed
tuff formations
sagebrush false dandelion
view to the north-northwest
broad-leaf freckled milk-vetch
Timber Gulch & Rooster Comb
view toward Steens Mountain
view across Leslie Gulch
Yellow Jacket panorama
Mahogany Mountain
long-leaf phlox
nine-leaf desert parsley
Pursh's woolly-pod milk-vetch
Hood's woolly phlox
Juniper Gulch
low cryptantha
cous biscuitroot
desert paintbrush
thread-leaf phacelia
bugloss fiddleneck
curl-leaf mountain-mahogany
tuff hoodoo
antelope bitter-brush
western tent caterpillars
arrow-leaf balsamroot
taper-tip hawksbeard, budding
woolly-pod milk-vetch with folded pods
low pussy-toes, going to seed
tuff hoodoos
tuff hoodoos
tuff hoodoos
feral fruit tree
upland yellow violet
tuff pinnacles
tuff formations
tuff formations & balsamroot
desert larkspur
prairie star
narrow-leaf pea-vine
narrow-leaf pea-vine & arrow-leaf balsamroot
narrow-leaf pea-vine
tuff formations & clouds
The Yellow Jacket
white-stem globe-mallow
Owyhee Reservoir
Owyhee clover, fading
bitterroot flowers & Owhyee clover leaves
spiny hop-sage (male flowers)
cushion buckwheat & purple sage
purple sage
last night's evening primrose
purple cushion buckwheat
white-stem globe-mallow
Rooster Comb & rain clouds
purple cushion buckwheat
tuff pinnacles
California quail
tuff staircase
tuff formations & honeycomb erosion
tuff formations & honeycomb erosion
narrow-leaf pea-vine pods
rock arch
blazing star
rock arch
gray hawksbeard
MacDougal's biscuitroot leaves
steep slopes
Chambers' bladder-pod
sharp-leaf penstemon, budding
barren milk-vetch
pale desert paintbrush
desert larkspur
desert paintbrush, budding
Columbia puccoon
small-flowered blue-eyed-Mary
rock lupines & storm clouds
rain clouds & rock runnels
woolly-pod milk-vetch
Idaho milk-vetch
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.