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« 2021-05 Eastern Oregon
May 3 & 8, 2021: Blue Mountains (Oregon)
I stopped at a few different places between Pendleton and the Idaho border on my way out east on May 3, and then again on my way home on May 8.
May 3: Emigrant Hill & Isqúulktpe Creek Overlook, Umatilla County
sulphur lupine
swale desert parsley
inflated grass-widow
slender-fruited desert parsley
line-leaf montia
cous biscuitroot
Tolmie's onion leaves
Blue Mountain milk-vetch
Isqúulktpe Creek Canyon
Blue Mountain onion
northern mule's-ears leaves
dwarf hesperochiron
Brown's peony, budding
arrow-leaf balsamroot
Cusick's pea-vine
prairie smoke
red coral-drops
glacier lilies
May 3: Spring Creek, Union County
glacier lilies
red coral-drops
early blue violets
Piper's anemone
May 3: Lookout Mountain Road, Baker County
western hawksbeard
showy penstemon
Cusick's milk-vetch
silvery lupine
Snake Canyon milk-vetch pod
lenticular clouds over sagebrush hills [polarized]
balsamroot & sagebrush
multi-colored spurred lupine
multi-colored spurred lupine
arrow-leaf balsamroot
arcane milk-vetch
spurred lupines & arrow-leaf balsamroot
multi-colored spurred lupine
large-flowered cluster lily
serviceberry flowers
balsamroot, lupines, & sagebrush
Snake Canyon milk-vetch, budding
multi-colored spurred lupine
sticky-stem penstemon, budding
pink spurred lupine
May 3: Rye Valley, Baker County
heart-leaf buckwheat
hot-rock penstemon
narrow-leaf skullcap
Cusick's milk-vetch
woolly-pod milk-vetch pods
unripe golden currant berries
celery-leaf buttercup
western poison-ivy
young western juniper
May 8: Snake River, Malheur County
golden bee plant
Cusick's sunflower
sagebrush false dandelion
Snake River
Oregon sunshine
May 8: Lookout Mountain Road, Baker County
Jordan Creek Gulch
Morgan Mountain
multi-colored spurred lupine
white spurred lupine
Holboell's reflexed rock-cress
long-leaf phlox
nodding microseris
Bolander's yampah
wavy-leaf paintbrush
nodding microseris
Snake Canyon milk-vetch
creeping Oregon-grape
Columbia puccoon, budding
lance-leaf spring beauty
yellow bells
Big Lookout Mountain
flat tire
May 8: Catherine Creek State Park, Union County
Wallowa Mountains
fairy-slipper orchid
Cusick's shooting stars
nine-leaf desert parsley
arrow-leaf balsamroot
Piper's anemone
false meadow-rue (male flowers)
lance-leaf spring beauty
wart-berry fairy bells
heart-leaf arnica
Cusick's pea-vine
plateau across the creek
feathery false solomon's-seal, budding
Dutchman's breeches
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.