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« 2021-04 Southern Oregon
April 15, 2021: Eight Dollar Mountain & Days Gulch (Josephine County, Oregon)
Eight Dollar Mountain Botanical Area
Waldo rock-cress
serpentine groundsel (Siskiyou butterweed)
wedge-leaf violet
straight-beak buttercup
yellow-leaf iris
Tolmie's mariposa lily
yellow-leaf iris
Siskiyou mat
short-lobe paintbrush
great camas
dark-throated shooting stars
Illinois River & snow on Josephine Mountain
Days Gulch Botanical Area
lemon fawn lilies
opposite-leaf lewisia leaves
pitcher plant fen
California pitcher plant flower
showy phlox
nine-leaf desert parsley
white-leaf manzanita
white Siskiyou mat
dark-throated shooting stars
lemon fawn lilies
serpentine phacelia
skinny-leaved northwest balsamroot
serpentine arnica
feathery false-Solomon's-seal
western azalea, budding
Klamath rock-cress
rose-flower stonecrop leaves
chaparral willow-herb
California pitcher plants
modesty (yerba de selva)
varied-leaf collomia
Siskyou bedstraw
Howell's desert parsley leaves
wedge-leaf violet, from behind
pine violet
serviceberry flowers
purple sanicle
lemon fawn lilies
opposite-leaf lewisia
flat-stem onion, budding
western azaleas
pitcher plant fen
California puccoon
flat-stem onion
California lady's slipper shoots
western azaleas
Eight Dollar Mountain ACEC & Siskiyou Field Institute
yellow monkeyflower
great camas
opposite-leaf lewisia
pale yellow short-lobe paintbrush
Waldo rock-cress
orange short-lobe paintbrush
Tolmie's mariposa lily, budding
cut-leaf silver-puffs
Howell's horkelia leaves
yellow short-lobe paintbrush
Siskiyou fritillary
short-lobe paintbrush
crab spider on a buttercup
rust fungus on rock-cress leaves
unknown wildflower leaves
checker lily
snow on the western Siskiyous
dark-throated shooting stars
California bay (Oregon myrtle) flowers
lemon fawn lilies
lemon fawn lily leaf
Siskiyou trillium (brook wake-robin)
white fairy-slipper orchid
grass-widow fruit
Siskiyou penny-cress
big-seed biscuitroot
Siskiyou trillium (brook wake-robin)
San Francisco woodland star
western groundsel
Takelma Creek
gold stars
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.