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April 19, 2021: Columbia Hills State Park (Klickitat County, Washington)
Yakima milk-vetch
balsamroot & Mount Hood
paintbrush, balsamroot, & lupine
paintbrush, balsamroot, & lupine
Columbia Gorge lupine
showy phlox & Hood's phlox
Hood's phlox
big-head clover & Hood's phlox
big-seed biscuitroot
Hood's phlox & distant balsamroot
prairie stars
western groundsel, budding
lupine, budding
heart-leaf arnica
desert shooting-star
ball-head waterleaf
upland yellow violets
purple rock-cress
few-flowered pea leaves
north side of the Columbia Hills
oaks toothwort
white-stem frasera leaves
sticky-stem penstemon, budding
glacier lily, facing upward
small-flowered Jacob's-ladder
white plectritis
fern-leaf desert parsley
weak-stem cryptantha
Yakima milk-vetch
purple rock-cress
Mount Adams [polarized]
lance-leaf spring beauties
gold stars
Hood's phlox
false agoseris
Hood's phlox
scabland buckwheat, budding
Swale Canyon & Simcoe Mountains
Dalles Mountain buttercup, going to seed
Dalles Mountain buttercup, fading
desert shooting-stars
big-head clover
yellow bells, fading through orange to red
brittle-leaf saxifrage
glacier lilies
prairie smoke
upland yellow violets
red-stem miner's lettuce
upland yellow violets
desert shooting-stars, going to seed
western groundsel
paintbrush & violets
Yakima milk-vetch
Columbia puccoon
weird balsamroot leaves
white-stem frasera, budding
Columbia Hills
lupines & balsamroot
coastal manroot
pungent desert parsley
thread-leaf phacelia
balsamroot & lupine
balsamroot & lupine
western meadowlark
wildflower-covered hills
balsamroot & lupine
Klickitat desert parsley
Oregon sunshine
balsamroot & lupine
distant lupines
antelope bitter-brush
rock wren
cushion fleabane
narrow-leaf paintbrush (valley tassels)
bi-colored cluster lilies
thread-leaf fleabane, budding
bugloss fiddleneck
heart-leaf buckwheat
low pussy-toes
panicled death-camas
scablands & the Columbia River
cut-leaf sagebrush
tall Oregon-grape
white camas
popcorn flower in a vernal pool
least mouse-tail, going to seed
yellow-faced bumblebee on camas
Horsethief Butte
small-flowered lupine
nine-leaf desert parsley
pungent desert parsley, going to seed
silverpuffs seeds
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.