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March 26, 2021: Liberty Hill (St. Helens, Oregon)
I was too early for the big camas show.
Oregon fawn lily, budding
split-gill mushroom
turkey-tail fungus
Oregon fawn lily
small-flowered trillium, budding
Oregon saxifrage, budding
spring-gold desert parsley, budding
spring-gold desert parsley
oaks toothwort
worm-leaf stonecrop leaves
last year's stonecrop flowers
camas shoots
camas, budding
camas (and a flower fly)
whole-leaf saxifrage
gold star
Oregon sunshine leaves
licorice fern
spring-gold desert parsley
camas, budding
mossy waterfall
gold stars
small-flowered blue-eyed-Mary
semi-submerged monkeyflower leaves
slender cinquefoil leaves
few-flowered shooting star, just getting started
prairie stars
small-leaf monkeyflower
bird's-nest fungus
Cascade Oregon-grape
water droplet on bleeding heart leaves
bleeding hearts, budding
bleeding hearts, budding
skunk cabbage
candy flower
Pacific waterleaf leaf
pioneer violets
western trillium
Indian plum (osoberry) flowers
checker lilies, budding
Pacific sanicle leaves
small-flowered nemophila leaves
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
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