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January 7, 2021: The Labyrinth (Columbia River Gorge, Washington)
Looks like it's going to be an early year for Gorge wildflowers.
Lower Labyrinth Falls
salt-and-pepper (Gorman's desert parsley)
rusty-hair saxifrage, budding
tiny waterfall
salt-and-pepper (Gorman's desert parsley)
yellow mushroom
prairie star leaves
top of Mt. Hood
strawberry leaves
view to the east
orange mushroom & moss
Hood's phlox, budding
pixie-cup lichen & moss
grass-widow shoots
basalt crag
fiddleneck leaves
chickweed leaves
saxifrage leaves
common chickweed
poison-oak berries
Upper Labyrinth Falls
buckwheat leaves
linear-leaf miner's lettuce & moss
popcorn flower leaves
huge clump of phacelia
California poppy leaves
[Geolocation map]
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Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
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