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September 3, 2020: Diamond Peak (Willamette National Forest, Oregon)
Middle Fork Willamette River
bald-hip rose hips
Middle Fork Willamette River
Oregon wintergreen (western tea-berry)
smoky scenery
dwarf blueberries
tall mountain shooting stars, gone to seed
grouse whortleberries
Marie Lake
Gray's lovage
Marie Lake
Crater Lake sandwort, gone to seed
purple grouse whortleberries
aphid galls on manzanita leaves
cobwebby paintbrush
Cowhorn Mountain, Sawtooth Mountain, & Summit Lake
Greene's goldenweed
wild buckwheat
alpine buckwheat
Drummond's anemone seed heads
wild buckwheat
south side of Diamond Peak
Odell Butte & Crescent Lake
south side of Diamond Peak
Drummond's anemones
dwarf alpine-gold, budding
east side of Diamond Peak
gray and pink rock
folded rock
Diamond Peak's northwest ridge
Oregon lady beetles/
ladybugs on my ankle
dwarf alpine-gold
dwarf alpine-gold
north half of Diamond Peak
Diamond Peak's north ridge
scree stripes
Diamond Peak summit panorama
view to the south
southwest ridge (descent route)
Davidson's penstemon leaves
southwest face of Diamond Peak
southwest face of Diamond Peak
lava slabs
Cowhorn Mountain, Sawtooth Peak, & Summit Lake
volcanic rubble
west side of Diamond Peak
pinesap, going to seed
easy bushwhacking
Marie Lake through trees
Marie Lake
bog blueberries
Sawtooth Mountain & Summit Lake
sugarstick, going to seed
Diamond Peak
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.