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« 2020-07 Blue Mountains
July 16, 2020: Anthony Lakes & Elkhorn Crest (Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Oregon)
Anthony Lakes & Elkhorn Crest Trail
Elkhorn Ridge
Gunsight Butte & shooting stars
dwarf plantain-leaf buttercups
white violet
pink mountain heather
shrubby penstemon, budding
Nevada arnica
glacier lilies
three-leaf lewisia
dwarf groundsmoke
western sweet-cicely
Drummond's rock-cress
goose-foot violet
early blue violet
rosy paintbrush
alpine wintergreen
snow buttercups
snow buttercups
grouse whortleberry flowers
snow on the trail
Lyall's rock-cress
Peak 8538
south side of Angell Peak
Van Patten Butte & Antone Creek Valley
sticky-leaf arnica
Crawfish Basin
Crawfish Basin panorama
Angel Peak & Lee's Peak
granite terraces
Piper's golden buckwheat
coiled-beak lousewort, budding
glandular paintbrush
shrubby penstemon, hot pink version
Twin Mountain & Dutch Flat Lake
alpine alumroot
granite slabs
prickly sandwort
Crawfish Meadow
Idaho drymocallis/
Hartweg's buttercups
glacier lilies
lance-leaf spring-beaty
subalpine fleabane, budding
alpine knotweed
yellow sulphur penstemon
Oregon catchfly
scarlet paintbrush
California tortoiseshell butterfly
western columbine
California Jacob's-ladder
cliff cinquefoil
silver-leaf phacelia
showy penstemon
slender-tube skyrocket, budding
Oregon sunshine
yellowish pussy-paws
thick-leaved groundsel, budding
Sitka valerian
dark rosy paintbrush
mountain gooseberry
Anthony Lake & Gunsight Butte
Angell Peak & Lee's Peak
Anthony Lakes Basin panorama
Wallowa Mountains
glandular paintbrush
yellow sulphur penstemon, budding
Hartweg's buttercups
tall mountain shooting stars
slender bog orchid
rosy paintbrush
shooting stars & buttercups
shooting stars & buttercups
elephant's-head lousewort, budding
elephant's-head lousewort
elephant's-head lousewort
Lower Hoffer Lake, Lee's Peak, & The Lakes Lookout
white bog orchid, budding
granite waterfall
granite waterfall & Upper Hoffer Lake
tall mountain shooting stars
western bog laurel
white marsh-marigolds
wet lakeside meadow
Lee's Peak, The Lakes Lookout, & Anthony Lake
Gunsight Butte & Lilypad Lake
fan-leaf cinquefoil
pine-mat manzanita
Gunsight Butte & Anthony Lake
Forest Road 73 & Granite Hill Road
The Lakes Lookout, Lee's Peak, Angell Peak, & Peak 8358
middle of the Elkhorn Crest
big-pod mariposa lilies
taper-tip onion
gray-green thistle
big-pod mariposa lilies
big-pod mariposa lilies & worm-leaf stonecrop
hairy paintbrush
Oregon checker-mallow
roadside lupines
monument plant, going to seed
white bog orchid
mariposa lily & showy fleabane
streambank groundsel/
sticky geranium
California corn lily
elk thistle
Sitka burnet
sharp-tooth angelica
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.