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June 3, 2020: Rooster Rock & Table Rock (Table Rock Wilderness, Oregon)
I was a little too early for the best wildflowers. Lots of buds.
Pacific rhododendron
pink pyrola, budding
Columbia windflower, budding
banana slug eating a mushroom
spotted coral-root orchid, budding
bunchberry, budding
starry false solomon's-seal, budding
Oregon gold-threads, going to seed
prickly swamp currant leaves & stems
pioneer violets
evergreen violet
Hooker's fairy bells, budding
baneberry, budding
wild ginger, budding
Oregon fawn lilies
smooth alumroot, budding
Cascade desert parsley
spreading phlox
white-vein pyrola, budding
bead lily, budding
false sunflower, budding
western groundsel
small-flowered blue-eyed-Mary
sticky cinquefoil, budding
field chickweed
northern sanicle & spreading phlox
common wood-rush
Oregon jacob's-ladder
mountain sandwort
Oregon anemone
huckleberry flower
Lyall's anemone & a flower fly
south side of Rooster Rock
cliff penstemon
chickweed monkeyflower
edge of Rooster Rock
pinnacles on Rooster Rock
crest of Rooster Rock
feathery false solomon's-seal
rusty-hair saxifrage
western trillium
western thatching ant mound
Sitka valerian, budding
salmonberry flowers
corn lily shoots
young bracken ferns
false bugbane, budding
northwestern twayblade, budding
round-leaf violets
serviceberry flowers
western hemlock female cones
hemlock pollen
yellow-cedar (Nootka cypress) cones
harsh paintbrush
Oregon box-leaf
grouse whortleberry flowers
Table Rock
spreading phlox, budding
gentian leaves
devil's club
jellied bird's-nest fungus
western meadow-rue, budding
bluebells, budding
goat's-beard, budding
elderberries, budding
stink currant
fairy-slipper orchid
spreading phlox & pine-mat manzanita
Cascade penstemon, budding
Rooster Rock & Mount Jefferson
spreading phlox & common juniper
Cardwell's penstemon, budding
Oregon fawn lily
coiled-beak lousewort, budding
rosy pussy-toes, budding
harsh paintbrush
Cascade desert parsley
Sierra pea-vine
Menzies' larkspur
vine maple flower
western bleeding hearts
glacier lily, going to seed
Cascade Oregon-grape
banana slug
common cryptantha
small-flowered alumroot
broad-leaf stonecrop
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.