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« 2020-06 Klamath Mountains
June 21-22, 2020: Gunsight-Humbug Ridge, Scott Mountain Summit, & Kangaroo Lake (Klamath National Forest, California)
Gunsight-Humbug Ridge
Mount Shasta
western columbine
frosted paintbrush
hot-rock penstemon, very pink
showy penstemon
Lassen clarkia
western morning glory
Craggy Mountain
varied-leaf phacelia, a bumblebee, and a flower fly
sulphur-flower buckwheat
Douglas' stitchwort
blue-head gilia
Siskiyou mariposa lily
Siskiyou mariposa lily
bell catchfly
coyote mint
spotted mountain-bells seed-pods
thread-leaf phacelia
Siskiyou mariposa lily & Oregon sunshine
Kaweah River phacelia
lance-leaf Oregon sunshine
serpentine phacelia
deer-brush ceanothus
yellow star thistle
dyer's woad seeds
yerba santa
birch-leaf mountain mahogany, gone to seed
chaparral honeysuckle
Scott Mountain Summit
pine violet
harsh checker-bloom
pinedrops, emerging
western bistort
Elmer's long-stalked clover
Oregon checker-mallow
California corn lilies, budding
naked mariposa lily
unusually pink mariposa lily
slender cinquefoil
blue-eyed grass
streambank bird's-foot trefoil
tall mountain shooting stars
spotted coral-root orchid
mariposa lily
western false asphodel, budding
California pitcher plant flowers
tundra aster
long-spurred white bog orchid
BIgelow's sneezewed
yellow-eyed grass
blue butterfly and green bee on white rush-lily
Sierra blue butterfly on white rush-lily
lily, budding
yellow-eyed grass & white rush-lily
Shasta sunflower
silvery pussy-toes
nodding microseris
Kangaroo Lake
woodland rock-cress
woolly angelica
Newberry's penstemon (mountain pride)
one-seeded pussy-paws
short-stalk azure penstemon
ball-head sandwort
panicled death-camas
Kangaroo Lake panorama, from above
alpine penny-cress, gone to seed
Nuttall's sandwort
cobwebby paintbrush
Oregon long-stalked clover
Hood's phlox
lovage, budding
Pringle's phacelia
Siskiyou milk-vetch
Roezl's penstemon, budding
Kierstead's stonecrop, budding
Brewer's cinquefoil
heart-leaf arnica
Scott Mountain phacelia
white marsh-marigolds
pitcher plant fen
tall mountain shooting stars
pink mountain heather
mariposa lily
Scott Mountain phacelia
Drummond's anemone
marum-leaf buckwheat
Davis' knotweed
Shasta clover
Heller's Mt. Eddy lupine
adolescent bald eagle
rocky peak & snowfield
naked-stem hawksbeard
wavy-leaf paintbrush
Engelmann's desert parsley
western waterleaf
Kangaroo Lake & South China Mountain
rock phacelia
Scott Mountains bedstraw
Kierstead's stonecrop
sickle-leaf onion
scabland fleabane
dwarf purple monkeyflower
naked mariposa lily
Lewis' blue flax
tall mountain shooting stars & pitcher plants
red buckthorn flowers
Kangaroo Lake
BIgelow's sneezewed
subalpine spirea, budding
Kangaroo Lake panorama
sticky starwort
mountain jewelflower
quill-leaf lewisia
Hansen's long-stalked clover
Pringle's phacelia
saffron-flowered lupine (Mt. Eddy lupine)
round-tooth ookow (snake lily)
white rush-lily
sparse-flowered bog orchid
western azalea
Lovers' Leap & cows
Scott Mountains & Craggy Peak
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.