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« 2020-05 Rogue Valley
May 5, 2020: Illinois Valley (Josephine County, Oregon)
Rough & Ready Creek
pygmy Oregon-grape
narrow-leaf blue-eyed-Mary
Bolander's linanthus
iridescent beetle on Siskiyou ragwort
blue-head gilia
slender clarkia
azure penstemon
frosted paintbrush
sickle-leaved onion
Douglas' dusty-maiden
flood-plain wildflowers
narrow-leaf onion, budding
Oregon sunshine
bare-stem buckwheat
sulphur-flower buckwheat
serpentine phacelia
Tolmie's mariposa lilies
white-leaved lupines
big-seed biscuitroot
rush-lily, budding
small-flowered death-camas
Siskiyou ragwort & white-leaf lupines
Siskiyou ragwort, budding
wildflowers & Rough and Ready Creek
Douglas' stitchwort
upland larkspur
tomcat clover
small-leaf monkeyflower
white-leaved lupines
Rough and Ready Creek
large-flowered blue-eyed-Mary
showy phlox
Siskiyou bedstraw
Siskiyou Mountain penny-cress
California poppies
round-tooth ookow, budding
Waldo rock-cress
Oregon violet
rosy plectritis
Waldo daisy/
ornate checkered beetle on ookow
spreading phlox
Siskiyou mat fruit
Del Norte checker-bloom
common blue-cup
wild onion, budding
mouse-ear monkeyflower
Josephine horkelia
mouse-ear monkeyflower
sharp-tooth angelica leaves
great camas
Illinois River & Little Falls
Siskiyou iris
Hooker's Indian-pink
Roezl's penstemon
western azalea
yellow-leaf iris
purple milkweed
Waldo rock-cress
naked broomrape
whipplea (modesty)
Del Norte checker-bloom
hybrid balsamroot
Little Illinois River Falls
leafy fleabane
hybrid balsamroot & Oregon sunshine
Klamath rush-lily
California milkwort
western blue-eyed-grass
pine violet
California stone-seed
Howell's desert parsley
chaparral willow-herb
Illinois River
serpentine arnica, budding
pink mariposa lily
great camas
Bigelow's sneeze-weed
pitcher plant flowers
Indian rhubarb (umbrella plant)
Days Gulch Botanical Area
lemon fawn lily seed-pods
few-flowered bog orchid
fringed cotton-grass
California lady's slipper & pitcher plants
California lady's slipper
California lady's slipper
western azalea
pitcher plant flower
great burnet leaves
pitcher plant flowers
wedge-leaf violet
hybrid balsamroot
Bigelow's sneeze-weed, budding
waxy coneflower (California coneflower)
frosted paintbrush
hybrid balsamroot
brook wake-robin (Siskiyou trillium), going to seed
great camas
dark-throated shooting star
serviceberry flowers
serpentine groundsel (Siskiyou butterweed)
short-lobed paintbrush
short-lobed paintbrush
sickle-leaved onion
sunset clouds
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.