poet's shooting stars & desert parsley

March 18, 2020Columbia HillsKlickitat County, Washington

Coordinates: 45.65092,-121.11217
poet's shooting stars & desert parsley (Dodecatheon poeticum (Primula poetica), Lomatium sp.) [Columbia Hills, Klickitat County, Washington]
Filename: 20200318-115641.jpg 2622x3933 pixels, ISO 125, f7.1 @ 1/200 sec
I'm not sure whether this desert parsley is Lomatium papilioniferum or Lomatium klickitatense.

All content is the property of Adam Schneider. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at schneider pobox com. Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.