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March 18, 2020: Columbia Hills, Doug's Beach, & Catherine Creek (Columbia River Gorge, Washington)
Columbia Hills
snow on Dog Mountain
common fiddleneck
panicled death-camas
grass widow
last year's shooting star seed pods
poet's shooting stars & desert parsley
pothole pond
cushion fleabane
annual agoseris
brittle-leaved saxifrage
nine-leaf desert parsley
pinkish white plectritis
bugloss fiddleneck
desert shooting stars
Doug's Beach State Park
Columbia desert parsley seeds
basalt cliffs
rusty popcorn flower
poet's shooting stars
ball-head waterleaf in talus
arrow-leaf balsamroot
arrow-leaf balsamroot
pungent desert parsley
cut-leaf thelypody
Catherine Creek
whole-leaf saxifrage
few-flowered blue-eyed-Mary
whole-leaf saxifrage
honeybee on saxifrage
rosy plectritis, budding
slender phlox
western buttercups
Barrett's penstemon
small-flowered lupine
meadow death-camas
slender popcorn flower
small-flowered lupine
line-leaf montia
greater bee fly
small yellow monkeyflower
pungent desert parsley
upland larkspur
false agoseris
Columbia desert parsley
big-seed biscuitroot
grass widow with 7 petals
gold stars
yellow bells
Rowland Wall
lupine, budding
small-flowered blue-eyed-Mary
Carey's balsamroot
rusty popcorn flower
small-flower prairie stars
basalt pinnacle & the Columbia River
camas, budding
rusty-hair saxifrage
poet's shooting stars
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.