Adam Schneider's
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February 12, 2020: Coyote Wall & The Labyrinth (Columbia River Gorge, Washington)
bachelor's buttons
phacelia, budding
last year's Barrett's penstemon
pungent desert parsley
northwestern (whole-leaf) saxifrage leaves
grass widows
fringe-pod flowers
grass widows
prairie stars
buckwheat bonsai
Coyote Wall
last year's phacelia stalks
Columbia River & Columbia Hills
big-seed biscuitroot
salt-and-pepper (Piper's desert parsley)
grass widows with skinny petals
big-seed biscuitroot
white grass widows
lupine leaves
Coyote Wall & the Columbia River
red-shafted flicker feather
grass widow under oak trees
ookow shoots
Labyrinth Creek Valley
columnar basalt
ball-head waterleaf, budding
fiddleneck leaves
grass widows
Columbia desert parsley
The Laybrinth & the Columbia River
poison-oak berries
basalt crags
prairie star
balsamroot shoot
gold stars
rusty-hair saxifrage
rusty-hair saxifrage, budding
larkspur, budding
water "stalactites"
tiny waterfall
small white desert parsley
grass widows
Klickitat desert parsley
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.