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July 20, 2019: Central Oregon: Gray Butte & Crooked River Highway
A couple of quick detours on my way to
Steens Mountain
Gray Butte area
sagebrush mariposa lily
chick lupine
Douglas' pincushion
sagebrush mariposa lily
purple fleabane & a coyote(?) skull
big-seed biscuitroot seeds
bumblebee on sagebrush mariposa lily
prickly lettuce, budding
field bindweed
desert yellow daisies, fading
silvery lupine
grand collomia
sagebrush mariposa lily
Idaho milk-vetch seed-pods
Goose Lake buckwheat
Pine Ridge
cut-leaf penstemon
Blue Mountain buckwheat
Spanish lotus
Spanish lotus seed-pods
Crooked River Highway
sulphur-flower buckwheat
freckled milk-vetch pods
Blue Mountain buckwheat
lowly penstemon
maroon-spotted woolly-star
hair-stem groundsmoke
wild buckwheat
purple cushion fleabane
spotted knapweed
Blue Mountain prairie-clover
bushy bird's-beak
Blue Mountain prairie-clover
rock buckwheat
smooth-stem blazing-star
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.