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« 2019-06 Wenatchee Mountains
June 11, 2019: Tronsen Ridge (Wenatchee Mountains, Washington)
Mt. Stuart & the Enchantments
swamp buttercup
corn lilies & swamp buttercups
shooting stars
dwarf hesperochiron
Sitka valerian
California Jacob's-ladder
thyme-leaf speedwell
swamp saxifrage (petalless saxifrage)
Wenatchee paintbrush
glacier lily
sticky currant
blue elderberry flowers
western blue clematis
wildflowers & mountains
wax currant
Thompson's paintbrush
woolly mock goldenweed
parsnip-flower buckwheat
Douglas' buckwheat
desert yellow daisies/
Thompson's paintbrush
shrubby penstemon & lupines
cliff cinquefoil
shrubby penstemon, budding
prairie smoke
wildflowers & Mt. Rainier
round-leaf alumroot
yellow penstemon
Chelan penstemon, budding
Modoc hawksbeard
Tweedy's lewisia
ball-head waterleaf
arrow-leaf balsamroot
western blue clematis
western groundsel
three-parted mitrewort
raceme pussy-toes, budding
Brandegee's desert parsley
worm-leaf stonecrop
Horse Lake Mountain
balsamroot, lupine, & penstemon
blue stick-seed
sticky starwort
Tweedy's lewisia
Tweedy's lewisia, budding
big-leaf lupine
bracted lousewort
sulphur-flower buckwheat
Lyall's mariposa lily, budding & blooming
bushy blazing-star
thread-leaf phacelia
scarlet gilia
tall buckwheat
Columbia lewisia
cut-leaf fleabane
cliff cinquefoil
Chelan penstemon
desert yellow daisies/
Tronsen Ridge
hairy-stem rock-cress
desert parsley seeds
spreading phlox
Lyall's mariposa lily
Tweedy's lewisia
spurred lupines
bitterroot, budding
umber pussy-toes
grouse whortleberry flowers
subalpine fleabane
California Jacob's-ladder, budding
heart-leaf spring-beauty
white marsh-marigolds
western Jacob's-ladder, budding
white globe-flower
Diamond Head
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.