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August 6, 2018: Chain Lakes Trail & Artist Point (Mt. Baker, Washington)
Tomyhoi Peak, Yellow Aster Butte, & American Border Peak
Mt. Shuksan
pink mountain heather
white mountain heather
pink & white mountain heather
pink mountain heather
subalpine spirea
Swift Creek Basin
Mt. Shuksan
white lupine
Mt. Shuksan
white small-flowered paintbrush
alpine lady fern fiddleheads
northeast end of Ptarmigan Ridge
Cascade huckleberry flowers
Mt. Shuksan, Artist's Point (Kulshan Ridge), & snowfields
Ptarmigan Ridge, Lasiocarpa Ridge, & Mt. Baker
west side of Table Mountain
partridgefoot, budding
Sitka mountain-ash
corn lily, budding
subalpine spirea
Sitka valerian
alpine alumroot
corn lily
fan-leaf cinquefoil
leather-leaf saxifrage flowers
Nelson's saxifrage
arctic sweet coltsfoot
tufted monkeyflower & willow-herb
slender bog orchid
white small-flowered paintbrush
Mazama Lake
Lewis' monkeyflower, budding
white marsh-marigolds, going to seed
aquatic gardens
willow-herb flower among moss and leaves
Mazama Dome, Table Mountain, & Iceberg Lake panorama
pink mountain heather & Table Mountain
white rhododendron (Cascade azalea)
Hayes Lake
five-leaf bramble
Table Mountain & Mt. Baker
creeping sibbaldia
western pasqueflower seed-heads
Table Mountain
5-, 6-, and 7-petaled phlox
alpine speedwell
Lewis' monkeyflower
subalpine fleabane & Lewis' monkeyflower
snow buttercup
subalpine fleabane & Lewis' monkeyflower
avalanche lily seed pods
false asphodel
subalpine fleabane
grass-of-Parnassus, budding
flowy water
alpine leafy-bract aster
Upper Bagley Lake & Table Mountain
copperbush flowers
Table Mountain & Upper Bagley Lake
alpine mitrewort
elephant's-head lousewort
stone arch bridges
twisted hemlock tree
broad-leaf fireweed (dwarf fireweed)
Mt. Baker
Mt. Shuksan, reflected
breathing snowfield
breathing snowfield
double sunset
Mt. Baker & a pond
Tolmie's saxifrage
Mt. Shuksan
Mt. Sefrit
Mt. Shuksan & Picture Lake
Mt. Shuksan, Picture Lake, & reeds
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.