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July 8, 2017: Vista Ridge & Barrett Spur (Mt. Hood Wilderness, Oregon)
We didn't get on the trail until almost 3:00pm, because the plan was to watch the full moon rise from the mountain (
avalanche lilies
avalanche lilies
lingering snow
Mount Hood & snow on the trail
western pasqueflowers
subalpine fleabane
western pasqueflower shoots
magenta paintbrush
magenta paintbrush & snowfields
snowfields southwest of Dollar Lake
western pasqueflower seed heads
maple-leaf currant flowers
krummholz & valerian
valerian, corn lilies, & Mount Hood
subalpine wildflowers & Barrett Spur
subalpine wildflowers & snow
subalpine wildflowers & Barrett Spur
subalpine wildflowers & snow
showy Jacob's-ladder
lupines, paintbrush, & arnica
subalpine wildflowers
Drummond's anemone seed heads
Henderson's phlox
alpine goldenrod, budding
Drummond's anemone
cliff paintbrush
Davidson's penstemon
cushion buckwheat
Mt. Adams & the Dry Creek Fire
alpine wildflowers & Barrett Spur
snowfields below Ladd Glacier
Mount Hood & Ladd Glacier
alpine pussy-toes
tufted saxifrage
alpine wildflowers
alpine wildflowers & Ladd Glacier
alpine wildflowers & Barrett Spur
alpine wildflowers
alpine wildflowers & Mt. Adams
Henderson's phlox & cushion buckwheat
Barrett Spur & Mount Hood
sandwort & dwarf lupines
white-bark pine flowers
Cascade catchfly & cliff paintbrush
snowfields at sunset
small-flowered penstemon, at sunset
sunset & lupines
lupines at sunset
Elk Cove
sunset clouds
snowfields above Elk Cove
sunset clouds
Dollar Lake & Mount Hood
moonrise over Langille Crags
Wy'East Basin & Mt. Adams after sunset
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.