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June 6-8, 2017: Central Oregon
I visited Smith Rock State Park, Lookout Mountain and Big Summit Prairie in Ochoco National Forest, and White River Falls State Park.
Smith Rock State Park
The Marsupials & clouds
showy townsendia
tuff pinnacles
Smith Rock, Shiprock, & the Crooked River
thread-leaf fleabane
poison hemlock
hemp dogbane
American licorice
The Asterisk
Shiprock & the Crooked River
branched phacelia
woolly groundsel
showy penstemon
showy penstemon
damned yellow composite
Monkey Face
Crooked River & rock formations
American vetch
Crooked River & rock formations
nine-leaf desert parsley seeds
basalt milk-vetch
bluish rocks
Shiprock & the Crooked River
Smith Rock group
Lookout Mountain (Ochocos)
prairie stars & larkspur leaves
SItka valerian, budding
rough-fruit fairy bells
sticky currant
California corn lilies
pink bluebells
northern sanicle (western snake-root)
blue stickseed
arrow-leaf balsamroot
lamb's-tongue groundsel, budding
slender-fruit desert parsley
Piper's salt-and-pepper desert parsley
goose-foot violet
yellow bells
Brown's peony, budding
salt-and-pepper desert parsley
arrow-leaf balsamroot
Tolmie's onion
wavy-leaf paintbrush
Tolmie's onion
balsamroot & sagebrush
western sweet-cicely
hairy-stem rock-cress
Brown's peony
dwarf hesperochiron
dwarf hesperochiron
shooting stars
white bluebells
sagebrush buttercup
ball-head waterleaf
California corn lilies
salt-and-pepper desert parsley
alpine penny-cress
Tolmie's onion, budding
lamb's-tongue groundsel
trail through sagebrush
upland yellow violets
prairie smoke
Sonne's balloon-pod milk-vetch
King's sandwort
pale paintbrush
west rim of Lookout Mountain
lance-leaf stonecrop leaves
west rim of Lookout Mountain
pale paintbrush & big-head clover
hazy view to the west
balsamroot & sagebrush
Milbert's tortoiseshell butterfly
hoary comma butterfly
broad-leaf spring beauty
Big Summit Prairie
yellow mule's-ears
yellow mule's-ears
western bistort
few-flowered pea-vine
slender cinquefoil
camas, bistort, etc.
water groundsel (alkali marsh butterweed)
Douglas' brodiaea
paintbrush & mule's-ears
wavy-leaf paintbrush
Eaton's daisy
paintbrush & mule's-ears
Oregon checker-mallow
twin arnica (foothills arnica)
tobacco-root (edible valerian)
velvet lupine
bistort, camas, groundsel, etc.
camas, marsh butterweed, etc.
Rydberg's penstemon
Douglas' brodiaea
tall pussy-toes (pearly pussytoes)
heart-leaf arnica
Big Summit Prairie
Roezl's penstemon
desert yellow daisy
Crooked River & pine trees
slender cinquefoil
field crescent butterfly
parsnip-flower buckwheat
Gairdner's penstemon
scabland fleabane
Rydberg's penstemon
bird's nest
long-stalk starwort
cushion fleabane
orange acute paintbrush
Gairdner's penstemon
Geyer's onion, budding
Geyer's onion flowers
Big Summit Prairie
white mule's-ears
hybrid mule's-ears
various colors of mule's-ears
narrow-leaf collomia
narrow-leaf collomia
hybrid mule's-ears
western blue flag iris
western blue flag iris
prairie smoke
Oregon saxifrage
sticky purple geranium
wavy-leaf paintbrush
narrow-leaf skull-cap
Stein's Pillar
white pelicans
Deschutes River & White River Falls
Oregon sunshine
hot-rock penstemon
silky lupine
rock buckwheat
gray hawksbeard
Tygh Ridge
Deschutes River Valley
cut-leaf penstemon
rainbow at White River Falls
White River Falls
Lewis' mock-orange
White River Falls & Celestial Falls
Celestial Falls
Leiberg's stonecrop
Celestial Falls
White River Falls & Celestial Falls
Oregon sunshine
desert yellow daisy
White River Falls & Celestial Falls
White River Falls & Celestial Falls
butte in Devil's Halfacre
White River Falls
Tygh Valley
sunset clouds panorama
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.