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May 1, 2016: Tom McCall Preserve (Columbia River Gorge, Oregon)
Columbia desert parsley seeds
fields of balsamroot & winter vetch
bi-colored cluster lily, budding
nine-leaf desert parsley
white-stem frasera, budding
small lupine
Oregon sunshine
small-flowered forget-me-nots
European corn-salad
gopher snake
balsamroot & lupine
balsamroot, lupine, & paintbrush
balsamroot & lupine
balsamroot, lupine, & paintbrush
Pacific sanicle
white plectritis
western groundsel
heart-leaf arnica
balsamroot, lupine, & Mt. Hood
sticky-stem penstemon
hairy hawkweed (hound's-tongue hawkweed)
sticky-stem penstemon
Nootka roses
balsamroot, lupine, & Mt. Adams
balsamroot, lupine, & Mt. Hood
American vetch
prairie stars
baby stars
pea-vine flowers
yellow bells seed-pods
balsamroot, lupine, & paintbrush
balsamroot, lupine, & paintbrush
winter vetch
bi-colored cluster lily
Hood River milk-vetch
western fence lizard
heart-leaf buckwheat, budding
balsamroot, lupine, & the "Lyle" sign
Columbia River
monkeyflower & popcorn flower
white-tip clover (sand clover)
tomcat clover
monkeyflower & popcorn flower
Carolina geranium
manroot (wild cucumber) fruit
onions, budding
heart-leaf buckwheat
white-and-purple lupine
desert parsley
Pacific poison-oak
winter vetch & a turkey vulture
camas with very dense flower clusters
bi-colored cluster lilies & winter vetch
winter vetch
Tom McCall Point & winter vetch
winter vetch
[Geolocation map]
All content is the property of
Adam Schneider
. If you'd like to use any of these images in an on-line or published work, contact me at
Larger, un-watermarked versions of most photos are available.